Till the end your my very best friend

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"UGH! But whyyyyyy?" Aibhlinn wined and Ghastly sighed "Because its too dangerous!"

"So? I get myself into danger without even trying dad! Why cant I come?"

"This is sanctuary work Aibhlinn, and your fired from the sanctuary!"

"For the last time! It was Mist's fault! She insulted my tea making skills! She was asking for it t be in her face!"

"Yes well even though it was incredibly funny you got fired! Now go get something to eat."

"Daddy." she said sweetly and did her best puppy eyes "Aibhlinn don't say it like that!" if it was even possible, her eyes grew even more wide and she pouted to add to the adorableness "Daddy! Please let me come!"

"...no." Aibhlinn dropped her face and grumbled "Fine." and walked out the door, that's when she got a text message

Heyyy gurlll!

Wanna come terrorise some people?

Alicia xx

Aibhlinn grinned

Gurl! You know I do! Meet you at yours in ten

Aibhlinn xx

She pocketed her phone and used her magic to turn into a eagle and flew down to Alicia's house.

When she finally arrived she turned back into herself again and knocked at the door awaiting for an answer "Hey!" Alicia said when she opened the door and Aibhlinn grinned "Hello my fabulous friend! How are you this fine evening?"

"I am very good, thanking you to you for asking! How are you?"

"I'm am very good thank you for asking! Now lets go down to the park and terrorise the little kids!"

"Ah, our favourite thing to do! You simply know me better than anybody else my scarred friend!"

"Oh you know no one will know you more than I!" they said in mock posh accents and laughed at each other "Lets go!" they linked arms and walked towards the park.

They were sat on a bench staring at a kid on a swing back and forth, back and forth, back and forth there eyes moved when the swing did and they looked quite memorised by it but they soon snapped out of there trance when a little boy came up to Aibhlinn and stared at her scarred arm "Why does you arm look like that?" he asked in a squeaky voice "Why does your face resemble a constipated squirrel?" she asked back and the boy looked confused "What does constipated mean?"

"Ask your mother to take you to the toilets and listen to the other men pooping! You will get your definition!" the boy nodded and walked of but not before asking "Are you a basketball player? Your very tall!" Aibhlinn laughed "No, do you work for Santa?" the boy nodded and Aibhlinn laughed "If only you knew I was insulting you! Your face would be priceless!" the boy smiled and bounded of to the toilets to find his definition while the two girls laughed and Alicia let out a little snort "Did you just snaugh?" Aibhlinn asked and Alicia snorted again "Snaugh?"

"Yeah! Its where you laugh so hard you snort, then laugh because you snorted and snort because you laughed!" this caused them both to laugh again "This is why ere best friends!" Alicia managed to get out and wiped away the tears from her eyes "Your crazy!"

"I'm not crazy! I'm just special...no, wait maybe I am crazy...hold on let me talk to myself about this." she thought for a minute "Yeah I am crazy!" they both laughed again "I love you Aibhlinn ya know?"

"Yeah I love you too! Your pretty much my favourite person of all time in the history of ever!"

"Same here gurl!"

"And till the end your my very best friend."

"Till the end your my very best friend!" they grinned at each other and the rest of their day consisted of laughing at the traumatised little boy.

I love you Megzy!

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