Powerful words

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Valkyrie and Skulduggery were speeding down the motorway in silence well...that was until "Skulduggery, I'm thirsty."

"No your not, your Valkyrie."

"Oh ha, ha very funny! But seriously I need a drink!"

"You should have brought one with you!"

"Yeah well you should have brought a map."

"Listen! I don't need any maps, I'm perfectly capable of finding our location."

"Yeah not really, we have been driving around in circles for five hours now."

"We are not going in circles!"

"Skulduggery we both no we have passed the same gas station eight times now."

"Ok...so maybe I took a wrong turn!"

"Wrong turn? You took a wrong direction!"

"Fine! I admit it! Were lost, happy now?"

"Immensely!" they stopped talking and it once again elapsed into silence "Mind you I still need a drink!"

"Fine! We will go to the gas station and I will get you a drink!"


10 minutes later...

"Here is your drink!" Skulduggery said and threw the pepsi bottle onto Valkyries lap "Thanks Skul!" she exclaimed and opened the bottle and took her first sip, but as she did Skulduggery drove over a speed bump and the pepsi went everywhere. Skulduggery looked over at the pepsi covered Bentley and it took all of his strength to keep his calm "This is why we don't drink in the Bentley." he said menacingly, Valkyrie sunk into her seat and looked sheepishly at him "Oops." she said and that single word made Skulduggery crack "Oops? Oops!? You don't know how much this car costs! And its now stained with pepsi! Its EVERYWHERE Valkyrie and all you can say is 'Oops'?"

"I'm sor-"

"You know sometimes I really do hate you!" she said with so much venom in his tone Valkyrie could feel the tears prick in her eyes "Y...you hate me?" he voice no more than a whisper. Skulduggery seemed to snap out of it as soon as he looked at Valkyrie's hurt face "Look Val, I'm sorry. I got caught up in the moment and I didn't know what I was sa-"

"Let me out of the car." she said tearfully

"What? Don't be ridi-"

"Let me out."

"Valkyrie, your being absu-"

"LET ME OUT!" she yelled and Skulduggery flinched but pulled over on the side of a field where Valkyrie climbed out and put her hands in her pockets and walking off into the long grass, tears freely streaming down her face "Val! Come back! I didn't mean to say that! Val!" Skulduggery yelled but Valkyrie didn't look back she just carried on walking, so Skulduggery sighed before getting out of the Bentley and following her through the field. Valkyrie heard him behind her so she quickened her pace trying t out walk him, but Skulduggery wasn't having it so he used the air to propel him forward, where he grabbed Valkyries shoulder and spun her around so she was facing him with her blotchy face "Just leave me alone." she whispered and went to turn away but Skulduggery had a tight grip on her shoulders "Val! Please, I didn't mean to say that! I don't hate you!"

"Yeah well it sounded like you meant it!" Valkyrie spat and he sighed "Valkyrie, do you really think I could hate you? After al you have done for me over the years we have know each other do you really honestly think for one second that I would take that for granted?"

"I don't know, people change."

"Val! I could never in a million years hate you! You are my best friend!" he said desperately and Valkyrie looked him in the eye (socket) "You mean that? I'm your best friend?"

"What? Of course you are, how could you think differently?" he said and pulled her into a bone crushing hug "Because, I always thought Ghastly was."

"Ghastly is my oldest friend! Yes he is my second best friend! But you are truly my best friend. Don't you ever forget that!"

"Okay." she sniffled and wiped away the tears on her face "Now, lets get back to the Bentley." he said and put an arm around her shoulder, and lightly pressed his teeth against her forehead and she smiled.

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