The dead men host a funeral

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Erskine stood at the podium at the front of the hall while Dexter, Saracen, Skulduggery and Ghastly stood either side of him in black suits. It was the funeral for a member of the sanctuary which nobody there actually knew but they were forced to do a funeral for it, even though the didn't know what the hell they were doing " are gathered here today to celebrate the on." Erskine looked at Saracen and Dexter and they both shrugged and then he looked at Skulduggery and Ghastly who both shrugged too "Um...hold on for a moment." he walked of the podium and asked Valkyrie who was sat in the front row and she whispered the dead persons name into his ear and he sniggered and climbed back onto the podium "Ok! So we are gathered here today to celebrate the joyous life of..." he smirked and chuckled under his breath "Of Willie Stroker." Skulduggery, Ghastly, Dexter and Saracen giggled slightly while Erskine could hardly hold in his laughter "Although...I didn't know him personally I can tell he was a...very likeable guy..." Erskine looked away from the audience for a minute and wiped away the tears in his eyes and turned back "Liked by many women." Dexter snorted and clamped a hand over his mouth to stop anymore noises from escaping "Willie Stroker was a very important member of the sanctuary who could pleasure-I mean many people." Skulduggery had to bury his skull in Ghastly's shoulder while Ghastly had to try and contain his laughter "he helped many people I know...mainly men." Saracen had to walked out the hall and tried to act like he was crying on the way down the aisle "So, will you all join me in a minutes silence for Willie Stroker." everyone in the hall bowed there heads while the dead men were smirking at each other trying to get someone to laugh. Ghastly stuck his tongue out at Dexter and that was his breaking point, he laughed so hard he fell to the floor and soon enough all the dead men were crying with tears and the audience looked disgusted "What kind of a name is Willie Stroker?" Erskine asked and went straight back to laughing "A horrible one." Skulduggery replied"A real cock up.""Skulduggery, your being a dick." Skulduggery barked a laughed and stood up "Come on Ghastly, we have to carry this dick in the ground." he chuckled and him and Ghastly picked up the coffin and carried it down the aisle but Valkyrie purposely stuck her foot out and Skulduggery tripped and dropped the coffin on the floor and Willie Stroker fell out of it and from the podium Dexter yelled "Dick move Valkyrie!" within a mere few seconds they were all on the floor crying with laughter. 

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