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Skulduggery and Valkyrie sat at a campfire watching the flames flicker "What time is it?" Valkyrie yawned and Skulduggery checked his watch "It is...Half one in the morning."
"Val, if your tired, go to bed!"
"Nonsense! You will be out here on your own."
"I don't need to sleep Val, whereas you do! Now go to sleep."
"No! But I am going to get changed." she got up and walked to her tent while Skulduggery watched her go. Just as she entered Ghastly walked out from his tent and sat next to the skeleton "Hey."
"Hello. What are you doing up?"
"Couldn't sleep. There were sticks and other sharp things digging into my back." he said and when he didn't get a response from the skeleton he looked at his eye sockets and followed his gaze. He was watching Valkyrie silhouette moving about in the tent, and when she pulled her top over her head Ghastly heard a quiet moan coming from the skeleton "Skulduggery!" he hissed and the skeleton's head snapped to him "What?"
"Did you just...moan?"
"You hesitated."
"I don't know what your talking about." he said calmly and continued to watch Valkyrie as she took her bra off and another tiny moan passed through the skeletons teeth "...You did moan!" Ghastly exclaimed and clamped a hand over his mouth to stop him from laughing "I think somebody has a crush!" he sang and the skeleton twatted his head "I do not!"
"Oh yeah?" Ghastly tackled the skeleton to the floor and undid his top button and tapped the fully body façade tattoo on his collar bone to show his face bright red and Ghastly grinned "I do not have a crush on Valkyrie!" he said and pushed the scarred man off him and climbed up "I think you do!"
"Well I disagree."
"Well I disagree with your disagreement." Skulduggery was about to say something else when he saw Valkyrie pull her pants down and his fingers twitched as his eyes were locked on her silhouette "Ah..." he sighed and his shoulders slumped and he had a dazed smile on his face "You resemble a horny teenager right now." Ghastly said and Skulduggery's head snapped to him "I am not a horny teenager!" Ghastly put his hands up and sighed "Your right..." Skulduggery nodded "Your just a horny person in general." Skulduggery glared at him and Ghastly laughed "You know, I'm surprised your still out here and not in there with her! I mean she is only a few steps away! All you have to do is stand up and walk over there and rip the door open!" Skulduggery's body leaned forward a bit, but scowled himself and sat back in his original position "So close." Ghastly whispered and smirked "Ghastly?"
"Piss off." Ghastly laughed and got up "As you wish." he bowed mockingly and walked back to his tent, chuckling to himself.
Skulduggery continued to watch her silhouette while thinking to himself,
'This is so hot- NO! naughty Skulduggery, you will not think like that!'
'...but the way she arches her back- NO!'
'I'm sure she's not that hot in pyjamas...' Valkyrie walked out the tent and Skulduggery gaped
'Oh, you have got to be kidding me...' Valkyrie was wearing a black tank top and really short, tight-fitting shorts "Hey Skul!"
"...Oh, um...hey."
"You ok?" she asked and sat herself on his lap, and felt him stiffen "Oh, yeah I' fine thanks!" his voice was strained and he frowned when Valkyrie started to laugh "What?" he asked "Either that's your revolver that's sticking into me, or your just happy to see me." Skulduggery blushed "Its...its my revolver."
"Then who's it that revolver." she pointed to the gun next to her "Um...its Dexters! Yeah..."
"Dexter doesn't have a gun." Skulduggery cursed under his breath "Its not Dexters gun is it, Skulduggery?"
"...No." Valkyrie looked at Skulduggery and shifted around a bit making him groan under his breath and she smirked at him "So then, how long have you liked me?"
"I...I don't know what you mean." he stuttered and looked away "Oh, you know perfectly well what I mean!"
" not."
"Come on Skul, just admit it! You fancy me!"
"I...I..." she kissed his cheek an he gasped "Um...uh...thank you." he rubbed the back of his neck and Valkyrie smirked at him "You so fancy me." he blushed again "Aw, your so cute!"
"Do you want to know what else I am?"
"A good kisser." she smiled at him "I don't believe you!" it was his time to smirk now "Maybe I will have to prove you wrong then!"

"Maybe you will." he swiped a piece of hair out of her face and leaned in and there lips touched.

"So! How long

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