Oh good god no....

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alexandra1055                   s  suggested this idea to me! She obviously has some great ideas for stories, so go follow her!


"WHOOO!" a very drunk Valkyrie screamed throughout Skulduggery's house. They were having a party because Tanith had finally been released from the remnant. Skulduggery came stumbling through the door with a bottle of wine in his hand, but as he walked in he accidentally collided with Erskine "Sorry madam" he said and burped. Erskine turned around quickly but since he was drunk he went dizzy and fell down onto the carpet spilling his beer too "NOO! NOT MY BEER!" he cried and started to sob. Ghastly ran into the room "LOOK WHAT I *burps* FOUND!" he yelled and held up a camera "OH MY GODS! LETS TAKE SELFIES!" Tanith yelled ad grabbed the camera out of Ghastly's hands and Valkyrie jumped of the table and quickly ran over to Tanith to get in the photo, they pulled pouty faces and they took the picture and it came out the bottom of the camera. They looked closer at the picture and in the back they saw Dexter and Saracen making out against the wall with Skulduggery in the process of falling over and they burst out laughing, but before they took another photo Skulduggery took the camera out of there hands "How do you work this thing?" he slurred and pressed a button on the top, and a bright light flashed in his eyes causing him to squint on the picture. It came out the bottom and Skulduggery grabbed it, and it revealed him looking really drunk with his eyes squinted pulling a rather unusual face "I look so sexy in this picture!" he yelled and Valkyrie came over and looked at it "So sexy." she whispered seductively win his ear and Skulduggery growled, dropped the camera and pushed Valkyrie against the nearest wall and attacked her lips forcefully causing her to moan into his mouth. Soon enough they were both stood in just there underwear still making out, completely unaware of Tanith and the others taking pictures of them, giggling like the manics they are.

After a few more hours of taking photos and making out they all eventually fell asleep.


In the morning Valkyrie awoke in her bed with a killer headache so she turned around to get up when she saw a naked Skulduggery in her bed so she screamed and he awoke with a start and bolted up "WhAT!" he yelled frantically, then he saw Valkyries expression: shocked and scared. It took him a minute to realise that they were both only wearing there underwear and his eyes grew wide "Oh my good god." he muttered and Valkyrie suddenly grew calm "so, wanna have round 2?" she asked innocently and Skulduggery shrugged and pulled her to him and started to kiss her hard so she was lay against the bed with him on top of her, and he removed all underwear so it was just them in the bed....and well you can guess what happened then.

Downstairs Ghastly, Tanith, Dexter, Erskine and Saracen were all looking horrified at the pictures infront of  them "Dexter what are you doing with Saracen in this one?" Ghastly asked but soon realised and ran into the bathroom and threw up closely followed by Tanith, but she didn't bother to go to the bathroom. "OH MY GOD! LOOK AT THESE!" Erskine yelled and they all laughed when they saw the pictures of Valkyrie and Skulduggery making out against the wall "HA! Ive got to go show them!" Saracen laughed and grabbed the pictures and bolted upstairs to Valkyire's bed room and opened the door "Hey guys lo-OH MY GOOD GOD!" he yelled and slammed the door shut and sank to the floor, scarred by what he just saw.

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