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Brooklyn and Romeo are 13!

Skulduggery slowly opened his eyes and looked around the room he was currently locked in, it was surrounded by metal and he was chained to the wall, it was quite big as well, "Hello!" he shouted trying to get someone's attention "Echo!" he shouted and it echoed which made him laugh once. The only thing he remembered was getting hit over the head with a crowbar, by Dusk and going unconscious, and now he was here! He remained silent for a while, but just as he was about to go to sleep the door to the room opened and Dusk walked in with a smug look, and Skulduggery just glared "Dusk." he snarled "Pleasant." Dusk mocked his tone and grinned "Now, you are going to pay for all that time I was forced to live in a cell, and all the pain you put me through!" he said and Skulduggery didn't faze "Go right ahead!" he said with confidence "You, really don't mind what I do?" Dusk asked and Skulduggery shook his head "Alright then! Bring them in!" Dusk yelled and a second later Brooklyn and Romeo were dragged in the room struggling to get free and Skulduggery's heart dropped "! NO! Let. Them. Go!" Skulduggery growled and began to thrash and squirm about to try and release himself from the chains holding him up, but Dusk just grinned like the mad man he was "You said I could do anything!" he argued and Pleasant sneered "To me! Not to my family! Please let my babies go! Please!" he begged and Brooklyn and Romeo were tied to chairs in front of him, but all the struggling they were doing wasn't doing anything since Dusk was too strong and they weren't able to get out of his grip, "Does this scene remind you of anything Pleasant" Dusk grinned and Skulduggery immediately knew what he was talking about. This looked exactly like the time when Serpine murdered his wife and child in front of him, "Please Dusk! Do whatever you want to me, just please! Please don't harm my kids. Please! I'm begging you!" Skulduggery shouted and Dusk grinned "Wow, never thought id see the day were Pleasant begged!"

"You wont see another day if you so much as touch them!" Skulduggery snarled and Dusk suddenly felt like a child and poked Brooklyn's shoulder, for a laugh but Pleasant wasn't laughing and Dusk shrugged "Lets get this show on the road shall we!" he said and walked over to Romeo and lent down so his neck was in view "NO! DONT YOU DARE HURT HIM!" Skulduggery screamed and thrashed and struggled about and Dusk grinned "Say goodbye, to daddy!" he said and Romeo looked at his dad with teary eyes "I love you daddy!" he yelled and Skulduggery started to cry "I love you so much Romeo! IM SO SORRY SON! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" he yelled and Dusk buried his fangs deep into Romeo's throat and he struggled and squirmed with Skulduggery yelling for him to stop in the background, but Romeo was already dead. Skulduggery looked at Dusk "How, could you." he whispered in the voice of a broken man "Quite easily actually!" he walked over to Brooklyn and knelt down "Hello poppet!" he said sweetly and brought out a knife from his pocket and put it against her throat "No! NO PLEASE NOT MY BABY GIRL! NOT HER TOO!" Skulduggery screamed and Dusk laughed "I love you daddy!" she yelled and started to cry "I LOVE YOU TOO BABY GIRL! IM SO SORRY BABY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" he screamed and Brooklyn looked up "You don't need to be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong. Goodbye daddy, I love you!" she said and Dusk swiped the knife across her neck and her body went limp. Skulduggery screamed with tears and Dusk laughed manically "I would say I'm sorry...but I'm really not!" he said and laughed "Hey Romeo you've got a bit of flesh missing from your neck!" Brooklyn said from the door and Skulduggery's head shot up and he saw Brooklyn and Romeo stood there looking at there limp bodies and both Dusk and Skulduggery looked bewildered "B...wha...ho...I...HUH!" Skulduggery said and Brooklyn did her jazz hands "SURPRISE!" she said and then a figure appeared from the darkness, it was Ghastly. His scars were blood red in the light and his muscles looked bigger than ever, with a snarl plastered on his face, it was at this moment Dusk realised how utterly terrifying Ghastly Bespoke could be and he cowered back a bit, but still kept hi posture "I suggest you release Skulduggery, or I will tear you apart limb from limb and throw you in the sea." he snarled and Dusk grew wide eyes as Ghastly grabbed his collar and pushed him against the wall, while Brooklyn and Romeo went to untie Skulduggery, and when he dropped the first thing he did was pull them both into a bone brushing hug "Oh thank god your alright! Your alive! Oh my god, your alive!" he sobbed into there hair and they both looked at him "But you were killed!" he said and Brooklyn grinned "They were reflections! Dusk kidnapped us from school and since we use our reflections he took them instead!" she said and Skulduggery hugged them again "Oh, thank god!" he said and looked over at Ghastly who was punching Dusk non stop even through he was unconscious. Skulduggery got up with Romeo and Brooklyn sitting on his arms with there hands around his neck and he walked over to Ghastly and Brooklyn poked his in the head and he turned around "Oh, hello!" he said and smiled and Skulduggery laughed "Hello! Its funny how you can go from utterly terrifying one second, then cute and cuddly the next!" he said and Ghastly chuckled "Come on then! Lets go home!" he said and they walked out the cell leaving the Brooklyn and Romeo's reflections behind!

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