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It was a Wednesday morning and Valkyrie was mean to be coming over to Skulduggery's house to discuss a case but Valkyrie had called earlier saying that she wasn't able to make it today but she'll be there tomorrow. So Skulduggery decided that he would go visit his wife and daughter in the graveyard since he hadn't seen them in a while.

When he got to the graveyard he walked over to there graves but he noticed a girl kneeling in front of a grave with flowers in her hand. She had long black hair and he could see tears rolling down her face. He looked a little closer before her realised, it was Valkyrie. He walked a bit closer so he could hear what she was saying, "Its been two years since you went, and I miss you so much" she choked out in between sobs "I hope you'd be proud of us, yesterday, me and Skulduggery stopped a swarm of Vampires from attacking the Sanctuary. I know you'll be proud if you were here. I wish you would come back, I miss you so, so, so much Ghastly and I love you so, so much too. You were like a farther too me and I loved you for it. Thank you so much." She sobbed, just then she broke down and covered her eyes with her hands "Please come back, Ghastly! I love you so much!" she put the flowers on the grass in front of the grave and hugged it "I love you Ghastly" she whispered and kissed it, she continued to cry and sob until it started to rain.

Skulduggery went up to her and said "Its, ok" and patted her shoulder. She turned and jumped into his arms "I miss him so much! I should be in that grave not him! He didn't deserve to die! He should be here!" She cried, Skulduggery was shocked "Valkyrie, listen to me. No one should be in that grave, because no one deserves to be in that grave, don't talk like that. I miss him so much too!" he said and started sobbing himself. Valkyrie let him nuzzle his head into her neck so he could keep sobbing.

When they finally finished crying for Ghastly they linked arms and walked towards the Bentley, then Skulduggery said "Val, why do the best people always die?"

"When your in the garden, which flowers do you pick?"

"The most beautiful ones" he sobbed "Exactly" but despite the situation Valkyrie had too say this line "Im surprised im still here if that's the case." Skulduggery laughed and said "Way to ruin the moment Val"

"We were having a mom-" but was cut of when Skulduggery kissed her "Yes we were" he said and kissed her again "Oh im fine with that then"

"Yes well" *kiss* "Now you know we were having a moment" *kiss* "Will you shut up" *kiss* "and kiss me"

"My pleasure detective" *kiss*

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