Don't know what to name this chapter

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Valkyrie stalked on her prey, being careful where she placed her foot because of the creaky floorboards beneath her. She was less then a few meters away from the intruder and Skulduggery was stood about half a meter away from it, without a care in the world. He didn't understand the danger her was in at that moment "Valkyrie what are you do-"

"SHHH!" she interrupted and Skulduggery was beyond confused as he watched while she pulled open the fridge door and hid behind it "I don't understand-"

"What do you not understand about 'SHHH!'?" she whispered and he rolled his eyes ad carried on watching her, until she was about the same distance away from the intruder as he was. She pulled out a swatter and was about to hit it when Skulduggery brought out a gun and shot the spider "SKULLLLLLL!" she wined and stomped her feet "I was about to get that!" she huffed and walked over to him and slapped him over the head with the swatter "Ow!" he moaned and rubbed the back of his head tenderly "There was no need for that Mrs Pleasant." he said and grabbed her waist and pulled her onto his lap where he nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck "Yes there was! I worked hard trying to kill that spider and then you just come along and BANG! Its dead!"

"I saved you from getting killed! I deserve a thank you." there was a playfulness in his voice and he smirked at her "Yeah you do..." she whispered and leaned in to kiss him but she pulled away at lest minute and picked up a conveniently sitting squirrel of the floor and shoved it in his face so he kissed it. His eyes shot open and he jumped of the chair sending Valkyrie to the floor with a loud thud, and he squealed girlishly and climbed on the table "Valkyrie! Get it away!" he screamed and started to sweat while Valkyrie was killing herself on the floor, laughing "I never gets old!" she cried and wiped away the tears "Your evil." he snarled and she grinned up at him "I never claimed otherwise Mr Pleasant."

"Well, Mrs Pleasant! I deserve an apology now!"

"No you don't! You put a spider in my hair last week and I didn't get an apology!"

"Yes you did! I got you pregnant, isn't that an apology?"


"Ill give you a proper one if you kill the squirrel!"


"Fine then! I guess you will have to sleep alone tonight!"

"That means you will have to sleep alone." he started for a minute before cursing under his breath "Fine!" he huffed and was about to get down when the squirrel climbed into his pants "AHHH!" he screamed and started to dance on the table in attempt to get it out "GET OUT! GET IT OUT!" he screamed but Valkyrie was too busy laughing "Its probably hungry for some nuts!" she wheezed and went straight back to lauging

Valduggery-One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ