Goodbye (Part 1)

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Valkyrie and Skulduggery were in the Bentley driving silently along country roads when Valkyrie suddenly had a vision. She was standing in a field of dead people, and everyone was there Ghastly, Tanith, Anton, Saracen, Dex, her mum, alice, her dad and Skulduggery, and in the middle stood Darquesse laughing evilly and she turned to Valkyrie and said "soon" and then the vision faded, and Valkyrie been so caught up in her vision that tears were streaming down her face, she needed to get away! This vision must mean something! Valkyrie had to go and say good bye to someone "Stop the car!" Valkyrie suddenly said and Skulduggery looked at her confused "Wh-"

"I said stop the CAR!" Valkyrie yelled and Skulduggery flinched but pulled over to the side of the road and gently went to touch Valkyries shoulder but she unbuckled her belt and got out of the car and started to walk down the road "Val! Valkyrie? Come back!" Skulduggery yelled and beeped the Bentley's horn to get her attention but it didn't work so Skulduggery got out of the car himself and jogged to catch up to her. Valkyrie could hear his shoes on the concrete floor so she quickened her pace but Skulduggery caught up and grabbed her shoulder and turned her to face him. His skull looked hurt (how? I don't know! But shut up and go along with it) "Valkyrie please! Tell me whats wrong!" Skulduggery said slightly worried but Valkyrie just flinched and Skulduggery grip was released and she stormed of "VAL!" he called after her so she turned around and roared "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Skulduggery flinched back and looked at the floor 'im a monster!' Val thought to herself, but she had too keep walking, she didn't want to hurt him, so she left Skulduggery standing there, hurt and alone.

After 8 hours of walking Valkyrie finally arrived in Roarhaven! How? she didn't know but she just went exploring. She discovered many things she hadn't seen before. But what caught her attention was a big oak tree surrounded by overgrown grass and weeds, so Valkyrie went over to it and under the grave stood two graves , so she looked closely at the faded writing but she just managed to make out 'Anna Pleasant and Victoria Pleasant' Valkyrie gasped. Skulduggery's wife and daughters graves lay right before her eyes. Valkyrie wanted to do something nice before she left so she began to rip the weeds up from the graves and began to decorate it.

Eventually she finished and the graves looked much prettier. The grass was cut and the weeds were gone, and pretty flowers surrounded them with a bouquet of roses on each grave, Valkyrie smiled at her work and left the note she wrote in the middle of the graves, and tears came to her eyes as she walked away with one thing on her mind.

Skulduggery POV

I don't know what caused Valkyries outburst but I did feel quite hurt. It had been a day since she yeled at me and ive left voicemails and calls but she hasn't answered them, so I decided to go somewhere where I felt calm, My wife and daughters graves.

I arrived and got out of my car and walked up the hill to the oak tree, When I eventually got up I gasped at what I saw. The graves looked beautiful, with flowers and freshly cut grass. I almost cried when I saw them, but something caught my eye, it was a letter so I picked it up and read it

'Dear Skulduggery,

Im so sorry for yelling at you but the reason I did is because I didn't want to hurt you! Just before I got out I had a vision of Darquesse killing everyone, including you, and because I don't have visions I knew it must mean something. So I need to stop Darquesse before she comes out. Im so sorry that the last thing you will remember me saying was "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" and im sorry for that! so I decided to make up for it by making the graves all pretty! Like me! But back to seriousness, do me a favour and tell Ghastly that even though he wasn't my dad, I still thought of him as one, and I love him! Tell Tanith that I will miss her so much and she should not worry about me, also tell her she was the best sister in the world! Give my best to the dead men and tell them that I love them all so much! And lastly I wanted you to know that Skulduggery, I love you so much! I never told you because I was scared but yeah I LOVE YOU! And also I will never forget you, you were my best friend and even though I wasn't yours I didn't mind! I still love you! So thank you all for the best life anyone could have lived and goodbye.

I love you all so much! Valkyrie'

When the letter stopped Skulduggery raced for his Bentley and sped to Valkyrie's house hoping to god that he wasn't too late. As he drove tears fell from his eye sockets onto his lap.

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