Too close

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Brooklyn is 15 in this story

Lately there had been cases involving child kidnappings and Skulduggery had just taken 'protection' to a whole new level "Dad, what on earth are you doing under my bed?" Brooklyn asked a innocent looking Skulduggery holding his gun with a blanket over him, under her bed "I...uh...was checking for monsters!" he exclaimed and smiled but Brooklyn wasn't having it "Listen, dad, I love you very much but you need to under stand that I can look after myself. You need to be more worried about Romeo. he isn't as violent as I am and he wont fight back." she said and looked at her dad "Fine! Ill go check on your brother then!" he huffed and crawled out from under the bed and grabbed his blanket and trudged out the room and Brooklyn couldn't help but feel guilty so she jumped out of bed and hugged Skulduggery from behind and he grunted in surprise "I love you dad." she whispered in his chest and Skulduggery hugged her back "I love you too, baby girl." he whispered back and kissed her forehead gently, before she let go and kissed his cheek and climbed back into bed, while Skulduggery walked out the room with a grin.

Skulduggery worked his way down the corridor to Romeo's room, but when he was about to open the door he heard a blood curdling scream come from Brooklyns room, so he took out his gun and sprinted back to Brooklyn's room and blew the door of its hinges and looked at the scene infront of him. Brooklyn was lay lifeless on the floor with blood pouring from her chest, so Skulduggery ran forward and lent down next to his daughter and cradled her, while he looked at her wound. There was a bullet hole right in the middle of her chest but she was still breathing, so Skulduggery sighed in relief and gently picked her up and rushed out to the Bentley where he sped over to the sanctuary. He was not going to loose another daughter.

Skulduggery sat impatiently in the waiting room biting his nails with Ghastly trying to comfort him but he was only focused on Brooklyn. About an hour later the Nye came out the room with a sad look on his face "Mr sor-" he started but squeaked when Skulduggery shoved him against the wall and started to strangle him "NO! YOU WILL DO EVERTHING AND MORE TO SAVE HER!" he roared in Nye's face and Nye cowered back and tried to speak "" he managed to squeak out and Skulduggery released him ad Nye rubbed his slim neck "Then what are you doing out here? GET IN THERE AND SAVE MY DAUGHTER!" Skulduggery yelled and Nye scurried back into the room and Skulduggery followed. Tears came to his eyes when he saw his daughter, she was extremely pale and wasn't breathing. Nye brought out the sunburst from a draw and carefully placed it on her chest and pressed it down. Nothing. he pressed it again. Nothing. He pressed it again and again and again. Still nothing. By this time Skulduggery was on the floor sobbing his heart out with Ghastly by his side hugging him softly crying himself. 

Skulduggery was sat in Brooklyn's room with her pale hand in his talking softly to her "I am so, so sorry I failed you Brooklyn. After my other family were killed I vowed to never let anything ever happen to any future kids I would have. And I failed." he cried and his voice broke. He lent closer to Brooklyn and rested his head on her chest and cried into it repeating the same phrase over and over again "Im so sorry.". He stayed like this for a while, before he felt a little movement in her chest so his head shot up and Brooklyns eyes fluttered open and she smiled down at her dad "I love you." she said in no more then a whisper and Skulduggery grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap "I love you to baby girl! I love you so, so much! I always will!" he cried into her hair and Brooklyn giggled and cuddled up to him. No body knew how Brooklyn came back to life, but the only reason anyone could think of was the same reason Skulduggery came back. She wanted revenge, for the person who made her family go through so much pain. And my god was she going to get it. 

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