Forgot (Part 1)

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Tanith and Ghastly were standing outside Gordans house listening to the ranting between Skulduggery and Valkyrie inside "The have been going at it for hours now.." Tanith sighed and Ghastly nodded "Maybe we should go break them up?" he suggested but Tanith shook her head "Leave them to it. It wont last long." she said and lent back into Ghastlys chest and he cuddled her, but suddenly there was a bang from inside the house, and Ghastly and Tanith jumped up and bolted for the house.


"Stop feeling sorry for yourself!" Valkyrie yelled

"Oh, stop acting so childish." Skulduggery moaned and flopped down into his chair

"Im not the one being childish here! Your making a big deal out of NOTHING!"

"Hitting my girlfriend is not NOTHING!"

"China is a BITCH!"

"Your just jealous that she isn't a dirty cheater LIKE YOU!"

"Why would I be jealous of her? She has killed many innocent people, shes a monster. Just. Like. YOU!"

"Take that back." Skulduggery said in a very dangerous tone

"Hit a nerve did I? Feeling guilty about you precious wife, are we!" Skulduggery roared and put his hand on the back of Valkyrie's head and smashed it into the wall, making a load bang and a dent in the wall. He felt Valkyrie go limp in his arms and he snarled at her. This wasn't Skulduggery, he was simply blinded by rage and anger, if it were Skulduggery he wouldn't have laid a finger on her. Just then Ghastly and Tanith burst into the room and gasped at the scene infront of them, There was an unconscious Valkyrie on the floor and had blood poring from her head and there was a large dent in the wall where her head had obviously hit and Skulduggery standing above her snarling. Ghastly grabbed Skulduggery and yanked him back while Tanith aided Valkyrie, she started to shake her "C'mon Val, wake up." she said desperately but she wouldn't wake, so Tanith checked for a pulse, and fortunately there was one, she sighed in relief but suddenly became outraged. She jumped up and stalked over to Skulduggery and slapped him right across the face "I hope that knocked some sense into you, you monster!" she snarled and Skulduggery lunged for her but luckily Ghastly was there holding him back "We are not over!" Skulduggery yelled "Oh yes you bloody are!" Ghastly shouted and dragged him outside but just as he was about to leave Skulduggery brought out his gun and aimed it at Tanith and she gasped with Ghastly "Skul, put the gun down." Ghastly said calmly but he didn't listen, he shot it and Tanith dodged it just in time but Valkyrie wasn't so lucky. It hit her right in the arm. Since she was unconscious she didn't feel it but Tanith screamed out and rushed over to her little sister as did Ghastly, leaving Skulduggery gob-smacked over what he had just done "Oh my so sorry...I..." he stuttered and ran out the house to his Bentley where he sped down to the pier.

He pulled up and turned the engine of and put his skull in his hands and cried. Not only for hurting Val but because all the things she said were absolutely true, he was a monster...and there was no denying it....    

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