Mistakes (Part 1)

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Valkyries POV

Skulduggery  wasn't in a good mood today so Ghastly offered me a ride home, and I accepted. He dropped me off at the pier and I watched him drive away. As soon as he was out of sight I walked back home, but I soon as I got near my necromancy ring went cold, so I started to worry so I ran the rest of the way. I got home and my ring was ice cold so I kicked the door in to see, my mum and my dad lay on the floor. Dead.

I didn't know what to do so I collapsed and cried into my hands, when I heard a noise from the kitchen, so I got up with a tear stained face and rushed into the kitchen, to see the attacker.

Lord Vile, was standing there staring at me. I gasped and the shadows disappeared to leave a finely tailored skeleton stood there, he looked at me and said "VAL! How am I here?" I just screamed at him and used the air to push him back through the window. As soon as he landed I ran, I didn't care were I ended up I just needed to get away. I ran for what seemed like days, and my lungs were screaming at me, I needed to stop. But I was so tired I jut collapsed, right outside Bespokes Tailors and I scrambled up and bolted through the door to see Ghastly sat there sewing a dress. He looked up and he immediately jumped out of his chair and hugged me "What happened Val?" he whispered, so I told him what happened. Ghastly already knew that Skulduggery was Lord Vile but Skulduggery didn't think he did and he was scared to tell him "Im so sorry Val!" Ghastly said after she finished her story and hugged her even tighter "I still have you!" Val said and smiled despite the situation, Ghastly smiled and said "You have always had me Val!"

"You have always had us!" a voice came from behind us so I looked to see Tanith stood there with Skulduggery, he had his head down "Im so, so sorry Val." he whispered, I just collapsed into Ghastlys arms and he soothed me by rubbing my back in circles, while Skulduggery sobbed into Tanith's Shoulder. Ghastly and Tanith looked at each other and gave worrying looks. What were they going to do?

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