I like you (Part 2)

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Skulduggery is human. Why, because I said so! Deal with it!

it had been a week since Valkyrie and Skulduggery had gotten together and when Skulduggery told China he was breaking up with her, she seemed to take it well.....like she already knew. But Skulduggery didn't care about her, he had the mot beautiful girl right I his arms, quite literally to, as they were on the couch cuddled up watching movies.

It was about half way through the movie when Valkyrie fell asleep so Skulduggery chuckled and carried her up to bed, careful not to wake her. He placed her in the bed and he climbed in next to her and brought her close and she snuggled into his chest and he wrapped his protective arms around her and closed his eyes and went to sleep.

At about 3 in the morning Valkyrie woke up feeling hungry so she struggled out of Skulduggery's death grip and tip toed out the room careful not to step on the creaky floor boards beneath her. She made her way to the kitchen and turned on the light, but when she did it showed the clear figure of Tanith Low. Valkyrie gasped and Tanith came forward and put a hand on her mouth "Val, its me Tanith. I don't have the remnant in me anymore!" she whispered and Val turned around and Tanith smiled and she Valkyrie threw herself at her and she fell to the floor giggling "Tanith, I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too sis!"

"When did you get back?"

"About an hour ago, I came straight here."

"I cant believe your back" Valkyrie said and Tanith laughed quietly and got up of the floor "Hey do you want to see my hideout?" Tanith asked and Valkyrie nodded "Skul, wont mind, just leave a note." Tanith said and grabbed a pen and paper and wrote out a note for him, in case he woke up. Valkyrie put her shoes on and he jacket and walked towards the bike outside and Tanith followed, they put helmets on and sped down the road.

They arrived at a old metal building in the middle of a field out in the country. They hopped of the bike and Tanith lead the way by opening the door and Valkyrie walked in and turned on the light, and saw nothing but a chair in the middle of the room, surrounded by knifes and tubes of funny looking liquids "Whats going on?" Valkyrie asked and China Sorrows appeared from the back and grinned wickedly at her "Revenge" she said and Valkyrie got hit on the back of the head, and everything went black.

Valduggery-One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ