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Valkyrie Cain never thought it would come to this. Today she had woken up as Darquesse and killed her parents and her little sister and now tears rolled down her face as she sat at the edge of the pier. Darquesse was too strong and she didn't want the world to suffer, so she had a plan.

Valkyrie walked up to Skulduggery's house with tears threatening to fall, she had to make Skulduggery hate her so he wouldn't miss her when she was gone...this was going to be way harder than she originally thought It would be. She knocked on the door three times and Skulduggery opened it, his head tilted in a way to say he was smiling "Hello!" he said cheerily but Valkyrie didn't reply to his happy 'Hello!' she just walked past him into the house "Val-"

"Shut up." she snarled, she was already regretting this decision but it had to be done "Val?"

"Shut you mouth, you cant talk! In fact, why are you talking? Why are you happy? Whey aren't you dead? All you are is a useless pile of bones! No body wants you here, your stupid to think that I ever cared for you or even loved you for that matter, because you are nothing to me! You are nothing to anyone! Your just an experiment gone wrong! So why don't you do us all a favour and go throw yourself of a cliff, because you belong in hell!" she didn't realise she was shouting until she finished. Skulduggery stumbled back into the wall. He had never been talked to like that, not even by his worst enemy and now all those horrible words were coming from the person he loved most "Valkyrie." his voice was broken and he sounded like he was about to cry "I thought...I thought you loved me."

"How can anyone love you? I bet your wife wanted to be captured and killed just so she could get away from you!" her voice held hatred and Skulduggery slid down the wall and put his head in his hands "I hate you, you worthless, pathetic creature." she spat and stormed out the house. Skulduggery just sat and he began to cry, he couldn't believe what had just happened. He had never felt this hurt in his entire life, he was completely and utterly heartbroken and now the person he loved most wasn't there to pick up the pieces.

Valkyrie looked out over the pier just thinking about Skulduggery's hurt expression. How could she have been so heartless and cruel. He looked broken, and she couldn't help him. She stood on the fence separating her from her death, took a deep breath and jumped.

You couldn't tell the difference between the rain and the tears streaming down her face as she hit the rocky, sea floor and died instantly.

Skulduggery Pleasant had died a few days later. There had been no signs of struggle or suicide, his skeletal form was just slumped in his favourite chair as he was clutching a picture of him and Val together.

Their bodied were buried side by side so they would be together until the end.

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