Its been a while

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Valkyrie Cain had changed a lot since she left Ireland. Her hair was waist length and her eyes now had a pure black pupil surrounded in a beautiful blue colour. She had two sharp fangs in her mouth on each side and had claws growing from her knuckles. On top of her head, she had 2 black fluffy cat ears and she had a fluffy black tail growing from just above her ass (I couldn't think of any other way to describe where it was XD). She was half cat!

Valkyrie had left Ireland because of Skulduggery Pleasant. The reason being that they had just got engaged to eachother when Skulduggery cancelled it because his previous wife turned up out of no where, and because Valkyrie grew depressed so she moved from Ireland leaving everything behind. She travelled to London and had lived there for 7 years. Your probably wondering why Valkyrie is half cat, and it was because she wanted to stop doing elemental magic because it reminded her to much of Skulduggery, so she decided to become a shape shifter. She was an amateur in training when she shifted into a cat, but something went wrong and when she shifted back to a human she was half cat. Valkyrie knew that she could simply change back to a full human, but this is who she was now, and she didn't want to change. Being a cat had its advantages, she was faster and more agile and her ears were useful for hearing things that others couldn't. Her eyes could see for longer distances and her tail acted like another hand, which was useful. She had also changed her style, she used to were a jacket made by her dear friend Ghastly Bespoke, but she got tires of it and now wore a black sleeveless top made out of a stretchy material and her pants were skinny black jeans. She also had her black carbon combat boots that reached mid calf and black carbon combat gloves that gave her incredible strength.

After all of this time out of Ireland she decided it was time to come back home, so she packed what she had and left. She arrived in Ireland and she breathed in the fresh air and hailed a taxi, and told the driver to drive somewhere near roarhaven, so she could walk the rest of the way. She paid the driver and collected her bags out of the car and walked forward to Roarhaven.

She had been walking for a while when the sanctuary came into view infront of her and she grinned "Feels good to be back!" she breathed and slung her bag over her shoulder and strode on forward to the big doors and opened them. She passed mages who smiled and greeted her kindly as she nodded to them as she walked past, but most didn't recognise her because of her new appearance. She walked to the Elders room but she was stopped by Tipstaff  who stood tall "Its very nice to see you again Miss Cain, but the Elders are currently in a meeting and said they didn't want to be disturbed!" he said and turned back "How long are they in there for?" Valkyrie asked and Tippstaff looked at his watch "Oh! They will be finished in 25 seconds!" he exclaimed an opened the grand doors and lead her down to the meeting room. They reached the door and Tipstaff bowed and walked away and she smiled at him.. Once he was out of view Valkyrie breathed in and opened the doors where Ghastly's and Erskines heads slowly raised and they looked confused at first but soon realised it was Val and Ghastly jumped out of his chair and bolted for her and she held out his arms for him and he accepted when he pulled her into a bone crushing hug and spun her around and she squealed and hugged him back, and soon after Erskine joined the hug and Valkyrie almost burst from being squished to death. Eventually she pulled away and looked them both in the eyes and said "Hello!"

"VAL! We cant believe your back! I never thought id see you again!" Ghastly exclaimed and led her to the table were they all sat down "Yeah. Im sorry I left it was all to much for me!" she said and tears came to her eyes and Erskine gently wiped them away and cuddled her to him "I know Val. I know it was difficult for you. Trust me, me and Ghastly gave Skulduggery a good beating for loosing the most amazing girl in the world!" Erskine said and Valkyrie and Ghastly laughed "thanks guys!" she said "So how did you end up like....this?" Erskine asked and gestured to her ears and tail and she giggled and she explained it and they hugged her again and she hugged them back. Just then the doors swung open and Skulduggery came rushing in "We'll leave you two alone." Ghastly whispered and Val nodded as both Elders got up and walked for the doors but just as they were about to leave Ghastly grabbed Skulduggery's shirt collar and put on a menacing look "If you hurt her will be deader than you are now! Clear?" Ghastly snarled and Skulduggery gulped "Crystal!" he said and Ghastly nodded and let go of him as he walked out the room. Skulduggery slowly walked towards Valkyrie and she looked at him with those cat eyes "Its been a while." she commented and Skulduggery nodded "It had indeed!" he replied and sat next to her and Valkyrie kept her eyes on him "Look Val im sorry b-"

"No need Skulduggery. All I wanted was for you to be happy!" she said and smiled

"I was happy when I was with you! Its just...when Madilyn came back....I felt guilty! Im sorry please forgive me!" he begged and started to cry and he put his skul in his hands "Im sorry, im so, so sorry!" he muttered over and over again until Valkyrie shushed him "Skulduggery, one of the hardest things in life is letting go of what you thought was real." Valkyrie said and Skulduggery's head shot up "Val, please I need you! Please don't leave me again! Don't put me through that pain again! Its too much to handle, PLEASE!" he cried and hugged me tight and buried his head into my neck, and he started to rub his teeth up and down like he was trying to kiss it but Valkyrie stopped him and held his hands and looked at him "Skul, when you cancelled the engagement, the pain I felt was more pain than I ever felt before. Im sorry that I left, but im sure your happy with Madilyn now. I don't want to end the relationship you have with her." Valkyrie said and stood up and was about to walk out when a warm hand grabbed hers and spun her around. When she turned a man stood with tanned skin and raven hair with emerald eyes, with tears running down from them. the man was Skulduggery and he pulled her to him embrace and kissed her passionately. She resisted of a minute before giving up and kissig him back and he moaned into her mouth and she wrapped her arms around his nack and his hands went to her waist pulling her closer. They were like this for a while when a gasp came from the door, and they stopped kissing and turned around where Madilyn Pleasant stood with a hurt expression on her face and Skulduggery quickly ran forward and hugged her telling her everything was ok, but when he turned back Valkyrie was gone, and all that was left was a note saying " The hardest thing ill ever do is walking away, still loving you." Skulduggery read it and collapsed to the floor crying her name, the name of the person he will never forget and the name of the person he broke.

That girl was Valkyrie Cain.

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