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"GHASTLY HELP US PLEASE!" Valkyrie yelled down the phone while she was sprinting beside Raelynn trying to get away from one very angry skeleton "WHAT! WHATS HAPPENING!?" Ghastly yelled back frantically, so Raelynn snatched the phone off her and started talking to him instead "Listen it was a mistake I swear!" Raelynn yelled back, and she heard Ghastly sigh "What happened?" he asked "Well me and Val were in the back of the Bentley and we had a big bottle of pepsi! Just as we opened it Skulduggery went over a speed bump and the pepsi went EVERYWHERE! And now he is really angry and chasing us!" Raelynn shouted down the phone as Ghastly laughed "Well just hide and don't draw attention to yourselves!"

"That'll be the day!" Raelynn said and hung up and gave Valkyrie her phone back "Well, dad was no help whats so ever!" Raelynn said as she looked behind her to see Skulduggery gaining Fast "!" Valkyrie asked genuinely confused. Raelynn smiled and said "My agility training helps!"

"GIRLS! GET BACK HERE NOW!" Skulduggery roared and grabbed Valkyries coat as it was flapping behind her, so Raelynn stopped and back flipped over Valkyrie and landed on Skulduggery's shoulders and he fell down and Valkyrie was free "SAVE YOURSELF!" Raelynn yelled dramatically "ILL NEVER LEAVE YOU!" Valkyrie yelled back and grabbed Raelynn's hand and pulled it "DONT LET GO!"

"NEVER!" both girls laughed at the fact they were quoting titanic, but soon realised the situation they were in and started running again but soon Skulduggery grabbed Valkyrie again and pulled her close and Valkyrie smiled sweetly and said "I love you Skulduggery!"

"Not working Cain!" Skulduggery snarled and carried Val bridal style and ran after Raelynn. After about an hour of running Val had fallen asleep and Raelynn was about to collapse, that's when she noticed the sanctuary and legged it! She barged through the doors and ran for Ghastly's office. As soon as he got there  she jumped into her farthers arms and huddled close to him as Skulduggery ran through the doors, so Raelynn climbed over his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his chest so she was clinging onto his back. Skulduggery put Valkyrie down and went walked over to Raelynn "You! You got my BENTLEY!"

"Actually that was your fault! You went over the speed bump! Not me!" Raelynn yelled and Ghastly butted in and said "Now, now children! Stop insulting eachother!" he paused for a minute before continuing "If you really want to insult someone you need to punch them!" Ghastly said and Raelynn pounced on Skulduggery and they started tackling each other as Val and Ghastly left the room giggling to themselves.

An hour later Raelynn walked into Ghastly's office with bruises and a leg bone in her hand "......I won the fight!" she said after a while and Ghastly laughed and said "That's my girl!" and kissed her head.

Meanwhile Skulduggery was hoping trying to get to a laughing Valkyrie, so he could kick her ass! But that was highly unlikely!

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