Broken (Part 1)

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"BYE!" Valkyrie grabbed her purse and headed out the door of Gordons estate, it was a normal day since the duo hadn't had any cases for a while so they would both sit around all day watching movies and stuffing there faces since Skulduggery had his body back, he would eat and buy more food than necessary and since Valkyrie lived with him she wasn't complaining! Valkyrie was on her phone checking her texts when she noticed someone following her from behind. She didn't think anything of it at first but when she looked back 10 minutes later he was still there so she decided to text Skulduggery to be safe

Val: Hey Skul, there is someone following me! What do I do?

Skul: Where are you ill come and supervise you?"

Val: I'm just in the alley next to Asda.

Skul: Alright, ill be there in 5!

Val: Thanks Sk-

But she didn't get time to finish her text before she was grabbed from behind and pulled backwards. She was kicking and screaming but the man wouldn't let go he just dragged her round the corner of the alley and pinned her against the wall "Now, lets have some fun Princess!" he said and grinned before punching her in the face causing the world to go fuzzy and spin while the man stripped her of her clothes and lay her on the floor, despite her dizziness, Valkyrie struggled but she was still quite weak from the blow to the head. The man took his own clothes off and began to rape her causing her to scream and the man punched her again and the last thing she heard before passing out was a gun shot.

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