He doesn't care! (part 2)

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"Its oh so quite." Skulduggery sang softly and quietly through Chinas library while reading "Its oh so still, shhh. Your all alone, shhh. And so peaceful until..." he jumped on the table "YOU FALL IN LOVE ZING BOOM! THE SKY ABOVE ZING BOOM! ITS CAVING IN WOW BAM! YOU'VE NEVER BEEN SO NUTS ABO-!" but was cut of when a book was thrown in his face and he fell of the table screaming girlishly. China stalked over and looked at Skulduggery who was now reading under the desk he was just dancing on and she ripped the book out of his grip "AWWW! I was just getting to the good part!"

"Pleasant, this is porn."

"Exactly..." he said and China waked hi over the head with it "OWWW!" he moaned and crawled sheepishly out from the table and pouted, like he had just had his candy taken from him "Pleasant, what are you on?"

"A case."

"No I mean what drugs?"

"IM NOT ON DRUGS! Oh and I need to go now."

"Why where are you going?"

"Well, I was in asda yesterday and a nice man came up to me and handed me a free bag of flour!"

"Skulduggery...can you get any stupider?" China asked and massaged her temples and Skulduggery just laughed and brought a little packet of 'flour' out of his breast pocket "Want some?" he asked "NO!" she said disgusted and snatched it of him and threw it out the window "NO!" she shouted and jumped out after it. China heard a crash and a 'meow' and looked out the window where Skulduggery had landed on a cat which was sat on the top of China's car "MY CAR!" she yelled "I GOT IT!" he yelled up and climbed of the car and rubbed where he landed with his sleeve in attempt to make it look "Sorry China..."


"HEY! I'm not a girl!"

"No I me- y'know what? Forget it. I give up." she said and closed her window as Skulduggery stalked off to go find the nice man outside asda.

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