I'm so sorry

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This was another unpublished story from Val


Valkyrie Cain was waiting for Skulduggery at the pier, watching the tides ripple as the wind blew them. Her hair danced behind her as she lent forward slightly. She was thinking. She was thinking about Skulduggery Pleasant. As cliché as it may sound, Valkyrie had fallen in love with a man she cant have. She loved his laugh, his smile, his sarcasm, his voice, his jokes, his ability to make her laugh in her darkest times... she loved everything about him, yet she knew he didn't feel the same, after all... she was 27 while he was somewhere between 400 and 500 years old. She didn't stand a chance. Everyday he talked about his wife and child, about how much he adored them and how much he still does. It depressed Valkyrie to know that he would never feel the same.

The Bentley drove down the road and parked at the pier. A tall figure climbed out of the car, he had a navy pinstriped suit on with a matching fedora, sitting perfectly on his black, shaggy hair. Skulduggery spotted hi combat accessory and walked over to her. He used to be a skeleton but China had managed to give him back his old body. This was one of the reasons Valkyrie had fell for him. He was bloody gorgeous! His jaw line was sharp and his cheekbones were high and perfect. His sleek black hair was always messy on top of his head and his emerald eyes were flawless. His build was strong and his muscles were almost as big as Ghastly's, but not quite.

"Hello." Skulduggery greeted when he reached Valkyrie. She didn't look at him as she answered "Hi."

"How are you?"

"I'm fine. You?"

"I'm... ok... I guess." she looked at him this time "You hesitated. Why did you hesitate?"

"Its just... its an emotional day for me today."

"Why is that?"

"Because, 437 years ago today, I witnessed my wife and child murdered in front of me." Valkyrie felt tears sting in her eyes "I'm... I'm so sorry."

"Its ok." Skulduggery looked out to the sea "You don't have anything to be sorry for."

"I have many things to be sorry for."

"What? Why?"

"Because... every single day I go home to a loving family. I boast about them endlessly. I always say how much I love them, and how I would do anything to keep them out of harms way. You must feel terrible."

"Well... I must admit it isn't the best thing to hear about, but I would have done the same if my family were still here."

"You still have family." Skulduggery looked at her with a confused expression "What?"

"You have me, Ghastly, Dexter, Saracen, Anton, Tanith, Erskine... you have all of us." Skulduggery smiled slightly "I guess you are right my dear. I do have family." He put a hand on her shoulder, making her heart beat faster "Now come on, we must get to the sanctuary."

"Not so fast." they heard a voice drawl behind them. They whirled around to see Billy Ray stood, playing with his razor "Now, we have some un finished business, lil' darlin'." he said and walked towards Valkyrie, but Skulduggery stepped in front of her protectively "You are not going to take her." he snarled and Sanguine laughed "I'm not taking just her... I need you too." before either of them could reply, their world went black.

Valkyrie awoke with a scream as she felt a burning hot iron pressed into his thigh "Ah, your awake!" Sanguine said and walked over to Skulduggery who was hanging on the wall. Sanguine burned his leg and he woke with a start "Sanguine." he growled

"Tis I!"

"What the hell do you want? You have no right to take us."

"Doesn't mean I cant."

"Its against the law."

"Fuck the law."

"Wow..." Valkyrie said from behind him. He turned around and got right in her face "Say anythin' else, then funnybones gets it."


"That's it!" Sanguine walked over to Skulduggery with the hot iron and put it against his torso and Skulduggery gritted his teeth in attempt to keep the yell of pain in. Sanguine ran the iron down his chest, leaving a long red mark, "That will scar." he muttered to himself "Sanguine! Stop!" Valkryie struggled against the shackles but he just laughed "I don't think I will." he took the iron and before Valkyrie had a chance to blink, Sanguine had stabbed the iron through Skulduggery's chest, making his scream out in pain "SANGUINE! STOP! STOP PLEASE! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Valkyrie screamed and he actually nodded "Ok, he will be dead soon anyway." he walked over to her and un locked the shackles "Ill let you out so you can go comfort your boyfriend." he grinned and sunk into the floor. Valkyrie ran up to Skulduggery, who was struggling to breathe, and unlocked his shackles, he fell to the floor and groaned in agony "Valkyrie..." he whispered weakly and within a second she was by his side, cradling his face in her hands "In right here. Your going to be ok." tears poured down her face "Valkyrie... I'm going to die."

"No! No you aren't."


"Please... don't leave me." she choked. He reached a hand up to her face and stroked her face gently "Its ok. Ill...never leave...you." he was struggling to breathe now "I love you." Valkyrie choked on a son "I love you too. So much. I'm sorry I never told you."

"Its ok...sorry...I never...told you."

"I will always love you."

"Ill love you... forever." his eyes slowly fluttered shut and Valkyrie cried loudly into his chest. He was gone, for good this time.

She had been like that for a good two hours, clutching the dead mans body close to her, when her head suddenly snapped up. She remembered China once telling her that you could save a sorcerer by giving them your own magic, there had been a spell you had to say. Valkyrie could remember it vividly, "Save what has been lost... give my magic to the one who needs it most. The cost I cannot pay, so I die in his place." she finished her chant and placed her hands on Skulduggery's heart, and she could instantly feel her magic flow through her veins and into Skulduggery's heart. She gritted her teeth at the pain.

Once she felt all of her magic drain out of her, she took her hands away and kissed his cold lips gently "I love you." she whispered before her eyes shut and her lifeless body fell backwards onto the cold floor.

Skulduggery woke less than ten minutes later to see the body of his partner laying dead on the floor. he held her limp body against his and cried for the love he had lost. He didn't remember feeling this pain when his other wife had died. This was different. This was real pain. Tears welled up in his emerald eyes and each tear fell onto her pale cheeks "I love you. I'm so sorry. I love you so much." she whispered and cried until he had no more tears to shed.


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