Happily ever after (Part 1)

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Valkyrie sat, waiting. She was sat in a restaurant just out of haggard waiting for Skulduggery while playing with the wedding ring on her finger. Ten years ago her and Fletcher had gotten married and had a beautiful little girl called Harlow. During those ten years Skulduggery had disappeared without a trace or a reason and a few days ago he had turned up at Valkyrie's door and asked her to meet him here. All she could do was nod. She wished she had never married Fletcher, she tried to love him, she really did, but her love was always meant for the skeleton detective and even Fletcher knew that, but she loved her daughter very much and she would have divorced Fletcher by now but she didn't want to hurt Harlow. Harlow was five years old and already knew how to do elemental magic, she was very smart.

A while later a man showed up, in a navy pinstriped suit with his fedora In his hands and Valkyrie knew it was Skulduggery as soon as he stepped in the door and looked her right in the eye. He slowly walked up to her and Valkyrie jumped up and hugged him tight and almost straight away he returned her embrace "I missed you so much." she whispered into his chest and he chuckled "I miss you too." the pulled away and looked at each other for the longest time. Skulduggery had jet black, shaggy hair and piercing green eyes and high cheekbones "You have a nice face today." she said and he grinned at her "This is my face. China managed to give me a façade that gives me back my old body."

"So...that is what you looked like as a man?"


"Wow." she breathed and touched his cheek "Its a nice face." he laughed "I know that. Ive been getting flirtatious looks from many women in this place."

"What do you mean?"

"Look around." Valkyrie tore her gaze away from his emerald eyes and looked at all the women around her and sure enough they were all looking at him "I don't blame them to be honest." she said and Skulduggery smiled "You think so?"

"Yeah. I mean you do have a face like an angel really. I mean look at those cheekbones." she poked both of his cheekbones and trailed a finger down his jaw line and pulled it away "Your jaw is so sharp I think I just cut myself on it." they both laughed and realised that all men were glaring at Skulduggery because he caught all of the women's attention "Shall we get out of here and go for a walk?" he whispered in her ear and she almost shivered at the sound of his velvety voice "Yes we shall!" she grabbed her coat and they both walked out of the door, hand In hand.

"So your telling me that Fletcher got his head stuck in the wall?" Skulduggery laughed "You seem surprised!" Valkyrie grinned. They were walking around haggard just laughing and talking about things that had happened while they had been apart just like old times, "Skul?"


"Why did you leave?" Skulduggery hesitated for a while "I...it was all a bit too much."

"What do you mean?"

"I...I don't know how to say it?" she stopped walking and made him looked at her "Please just tell me." she said softly and stroked his cheek gently "I...I couldn't stand to see that woman I loved marry someone else." he whispered and Valkyrie knew exactly what he meant and a tear rolled down her face "You loved me?"

"I still do, Valkyrie."

"I love you too!" she cried and buried her head in his muscled chest "We have both been so blind." his voice was sad, he knew she couldn't be with him "Skul, I love you so much but I cant leave my girl. If she wasn't here I would be with you in a heartbeat!" her eyes were teary "I understand. I would have done the same thing." they looked at each other for what seemed like forever "Can I kiss you just once? I just want to pretend your mine, just for a few seconds." he asked and Valkyrie smiled "Of course." he slowly bent his head down and gently pressed his lips to hers and they moulded together perfectly. It was like there lips were meant to be together. They moved in sync and her arms went around his neck while his were on her hips pulling he closer to his warm body. People passed them and each one could clearly tell they loved each other dearly, they adored each other. Each passer smiled at the two as Skulduggery and Valkyrie didn't dare break the kiss, because it was too perfect. They had been in the same position for a while and they had to pull away even though none of them wanted to "I love you, Valkyrie Cain." he whispered lovingly "I love you, Skulduggery Pleasant." she replied and pulled his face back down to hers and kissed his lips once more "Until the end."

"Until the end."

"Valkyrie?" a voice whispered from behind her so she whirled and saw Fletcher stood there "Fletch, I can exp-" he held up a hand to stop her "You don't need to. I know how much you loved him, I never really stood a chance did I?"

"I'm so sorry Fletch. I tried to love you! I really did, but I couldn't."

"You don't need to apologise, I know you did. Ive accepted a job in Australia, I leave now."

"What?" Valkyrie breath and Fletcher came closer "You two belong together, ive said goodbye to Harlow. I promise to visit every month to see you both, but this is how its supposed to be."

"Fletch, I don't know what to say."

"You don't need to say anything Val." he looked at Skulduggery who stood looking shocked "Look after her, mate." Skulduggery nodded and he turned back to Val "Goodbye." and then he was gone. The two just stood there staring at the spot he had once been "Val I'm sorry-"

"No, its ok. I'm upset it had to end that way."

"I'm so sorry."

"What are you sorry about?"

"Ive just destroyed your marriage.

"It wasn't entirely your fault, Skul. But at least I can do this now." she grabbed his face and crashed there lips together and he grinned and kissed her back. They were both happier than ever

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