Fathers Day!

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It was fathers day and Valkyrie decided to do something nice for her dad. So she went into town and went into a card shop and bought a card and a massive bear holding a heart which read 'I love you' the bear was as big as her! Valkyrie arrived outside her dads house and she wrote out the card and kissed the envelope with the red lipstick she put on just to do so.

Her dad was sat at the table with his back facing away from her so she coughed to get his attention, so he turned around and gasped and tears came to his eyes as he stood up. Valkyrie had never seen him cry before so she ran up and jumped in his arms and whispered "Happy fathers day dad!"

"Thank you sweetheart!" he said into her shoulder so she smiled and untangled her self from him and went to the bear and pushed it forward for him. Her dad noticed the card stuck to the bears heart so he took it of and opened it. He read it outloud "Dad, you have no Idea how much I love you. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't think about how amazing you are and how much you have inspired me to do what I love! You have never failed to make me smile even in my darkest times. So dad, you mean the absolute world to me! You are my everything! Lots of love, Valkyrie xxx" By the time he had finished reading tears were running down his face so he grabbed Valkyrie and pulled her into another hug and spun her round, causing her to squeal which made him chuckle "You mean the absolute world to me dad!"

"And you are my everything Valkyrie!" he said back and smiled into her shoulder.

Ghastly had never felt more loved in his life!

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