Random Shenanigans #2

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Erskine and Skulduggery were wondering around the sanctuary looking for Ghastly who they couldn't find anywhere "Where is he!?" Erskine sighed frustrated and Skulduggery shrugged "I don't know." suddenly Erskine smirked and cleared his throat before belting at the top of his lungs 

"Your face is beautiful no matter what they say,

Tipstaff cant bring you down oh no!

Your scars a beautiful in every single way

Yes Sanguine cant bring you down, so don't you hide from us today!"

That's when the throne room door was slammed open and Ghastly came storming out looking like he was going to throttle Erskine and Skulduggery who were spluttering with laughter "Found you!" Skulduggery cried and Ghastly faltered "What! You cheated, no!" he crossed his arms and huffed "I am the reining champion of hide and seek!" Erskine declared and Ghastly walked but muttering about what a stupid game it was anyway...even though he suggested to play it...


"This is pathetic!" Skulduggery screamed and Ghastly faltered a bit "Skulduggery-"

"Ghastly! She's gone for gods sake! I cant find her anywhere!"

"Skul if you'd just let me-"

"How can she go missing just like that!"


"Just like that-" Skulduggery clicked his fingers dramatically "-And she was gone!"

"Listen S-"

"I cant believe it Ghastly!"

"Skulduggery!" Ghastly was getting frustrated now and his face was turning an interesting shade of red from anger

"Shes gone...I cant believe it!"

"SKULDUGGERY PLEASANT!" Ghastly boomed and Skulduggery looked up sheepishly at him "IF YOU WOULD HAVE LISTEED TO ME I WOULD HAVE TOLD YOU THAT SHE WENT HOME AND HOUR AGO!" Skulduggery looked at his scarred friend in shock before replying to his outburst "Jeez Ghastly, your making a big deal out of nothing!"


"Calm down Ghastly! Its ok! You don't need to yell, its fine."

"Are you even serious?"

"Shhhh...just...calm." Skulduggery said soothingly before heading out the door 'The guy needs some anger management classes' he thought and grinned to himself as he thought of Ghastly squeezing a stress ball, counting to ten as an overly calm woman talked to him about anger.


"Come on boys...its not that bad!" Valkyrie giggled and Dexter glared "Not that bad? We look like Barbie with a hangover!" He complained and crossed his arms. It was Alice Edgely's birthday and Valkyrie had blackmailed Dexter, Saracen and Skulduggery into dressing up as princesses for her party and they were not impressed. Dexter was wearing a blonde wig with a pink ballerina dress that was way to small for him and had makeup smeared over his face making him look like a drag queen, where as Skulduggery had the more cliché princess look with a floor length pink dress which flowed at the waist and a 'magic' wand in his left hand again with a blonde wig and make up on his face. But Saracen had it worst, he had a very short gold sparkling dress what barely reached the half way point of his thighs with pink fairy wings strapped to his back and white tights with pointy elf shoe making him look like a Tinker bell. He had 'beautiful' make up on his face with a brown wig on. To say the least, they were not impressed "This is not funny!" Skulduggery growled and tried to move in his dress which was knocking over everything he walked past "Oh trust, me Skul! It is!" Valkyrie laughed and Saracen just blushed underneath his make up "Oh, because you can say shit cant you!" he growled and Dexter nodded "His has a point."

"This is seriously deflating my ego and my dignity!" Skulduggery complained

"I'm basically a drag queen!" Dexter said trying to put his fake eye lashes back into place

"I...I don't even know what...creature I'm supposed to be resembling..." Saracen sighed and massaged his temples "Ok boys! Time for your big show!" Valkyrie laughed and the boys growled at her before making there way on the stage were Alice and her friends were sat along with Ghastly, Erskine and Anton who were rolling on the floor killing themselves with laugher, Ghastly actually looked like he might pass out since he couldn't get his breathing under control. Dexter, Skulduggery and Saracen danced to the music playing in the background as Valkyrie was filming the whole thing crying with laugher hardly able to stand and one thing was for sure, she wasn't going to let them live this down for a long, long time!


"it...its...no...I...wh..." Skulduggery couldn't even get out a proper sentence as he looked at the wreckage that used to be his Bentley in front of him "This is your fault!" was the first thing he said once he finally put together a few words "What! My fault you were driving it!" Valkyrie complained and Skulduggery looked over at her "Your the one who was eating in my precious Bentley!"

"Wellllll...its not so precious anymore!"

"Valkyrie, this is your fault!"

"No its not!"

"Yes it was n-"

"No! Your wrong now just sit there in your wrongness and be wrong!" She said and Skulduggery looked around "Where am I supposed to sit?"

"In the Bentley- Oh wait, its dead, because you weren't paying attention to where you were going!"

"You are not funny!" Skulduggery growled and lunged for her but she moved at the last minute and Skulduggery face planted into a puddle of mud, in a mere three seconds Valkyrie could hardly breathe for the laughter.

















"Because Valkyrie its a barbaric idea! Insane at that!"

"Skul, I only want an ice cream, jeez!"


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