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Skulduggery Pleasant has signed in.

Skulduggery Pleasant started a private chat with Ghastly Bespoke

Skulduggery Pleasant: Hello!

Ghastly Bespoke: Hello there! How are you?

Skulduggery Pleasant: To be honest, not that good...

Ghastly Bespoke: Why is that?

Skulduggery Pleasant: Valkyrie went on a date.

Ghastly Bespoke: Oh no...what did you break?

Skulduggery Pleasant: ...Nothing...

Ghastly Bespoke: ...Skulduggery...

Skulduggery Pleasant: Fine! I broke a window!

Ghastly Bespoke: *sigh* How long have you liked her for?

Skulduggery Pleasant: Since she turned 25.

Ghastly Bespoke: So for 73 years?

Skulduggery Pleasant: About that, yes.

Ghastly Bespoke: Skulduggery! She is nearing one hundred! She wants to start a family and if you don't tell her about how much you love her you will be the one who sits on the benches on her wedding day.

Skulduggery Pleasant: Its easier said than done...

Ghastly Bespoke: I know it isn't...

Skulduggery Pleasant: I just love her so much and I don't know how to tell her.

Ghastly Bespoke: I know, Skul... but you need to tell her...
Skulduggery heard a gasp from behind him so he turned and saw Valkyrie staring at his conversation and he slowly turned his head back to the screen
Skulduggery Pleasant: I don't need to tell her...

Ghastly Bespoke: What? Why?

Skulduggery Pleasant: Because she's standing right behind me...
 Skulduggery turned of his phone and looked behind him again and saw Valkyrie's shocked expression "...Hey Val! How are you?" he asked, trying to make her forget about what she just saw "...I'm...just...shocked"
" good." they stood in silence for a while before Skulduggery sighed and ran a hand over his skull "Listen, Val...I need to tell you something." Valkyrie looked at him and nodded "Its seems you do." he walked closer to her "This...this is hard to say..." he said and decided to just take a risk, so he grabbed her shoulders and smashed his teeth to her lips. He took his hands away from her shoulder and to his surprise she put her arms around his skinny neck and pulled his closer as he cradled her face with one hand while the other was on her back, keeping her in place. He thought he was in heaven...again... she tasted amazing! She tasted minty and Skulduggery pushed her so hard against him he could feel her body against his hip bone, almost making him groan, but he held it in. When she pulled away he almost whimpered from the loss of contact and took his hands away from her "Can you tell what I was trying to tell you now?" she laughed "Yes! Yes I can." he pulled her to him again "I love you." he whispered and she smiled up at him "I love you too." and she kissed him again.

HEYYYY! So to be quite honest...I don't like this chapter because I am running out of ideas, so I need your help! Comment what your favourite one shot was (or short story) and I will do my best to try and do more chapters like that!So thank you for reading and I love you!


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