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"AHHHHH!" Raelynn and Valkyrie screamed through the house and cowered under the table together and Fauna came running in "WHAT!" she yelled and she looked at the two under the table "What are you doing under there?"

"I perverted that." Raelynn whispered and Valkyrie laughed "Do you not see the problem!" she asked and Fauna looked confused before she pointed to a spider on the wall with a shaky hand "Oh for gods sake! Its a spider is way smaller than you!"

"Yeah, and so's a grenade!" Raelynn argued "Preach!" Val agreed and Fauna sighed "Should I get it then?"

"YES!" the both yelled and Fauna walked over to the spider and delicately lifted it into her palm and walking to the back door before throwing it outside, and Raelynn and Valkyrie climbed out from under the table still clinging onto eachother "Is it gone?"

"Yes its gone!"

"Oh thank god!" Valkyrie said and let go of Raelynn before walking off "HEY! Where are you going?"

"To snog Skulduggery!"

"Ewwww." Raelynn said and sat down at the table and bringing out her dagger, spiting on it and cleaning it "Why do you use daggers rather that swords?" Fauna asked and Raelynn looked up "Why do you like spiders rather than being petrified of them?"

"...Touché" Fauna said and they both heard a pop and they whipped around to see Fletcher Renn stood "Hello Ladies!" he said trying to act all sexy, bless him he thought he had a chance "Sup?" Fauna said and turned away from him while Raelynn just stared at him "What the fuck Is wrong with your hair?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"You look like a porcupine!"

"And you look like a frog!" he said and Raelynn punched him in the gut "I have met my fair share of pricks over the years, but you sir are a fucking cactus." she said and Fletcher grinned his cocky grin "Hey wheres Val?" he asked and Fauna smiled "In the living room with Skul." she said and Fletcher was about to walk in when he heard a loud moan and a groan coming from the room, so he turned away and looked at the girls at the table "What are they doing?"

"There playing." Raelynn said and inspected her dagger

"What game?"

"Dunno, go check."

"Ok." he said and walked in the room and the two girls heard a scream and Fletcher came out looking pale and nauseous "Lets just say that there will be a baby running round the house in 9 months." he said and Fauna smirked "Nawww! I could imagine a little baby Skeleton running around the house! It'll be cute!"

"I don't think I could handle another skulduggery! One is way more than enough!" Raelynn said and Fauna laughed "I agree!" Skulduggery and Valkyrie walked in the kitchen looking bedraggled and sweaty "Have fun Uncle Skul?" Raelynn asked and Skulduggery cocked his head "What do you mean?" the picture of innocence "You know!" *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* Skulduggery blushed and walked up to Valkyrie and kissing her passionately "Get a room people!" Fletcher said and covered his eyes "Then get out, your crowding the room!" Skulduggery said and went back to kissing Valkyrie "Oh for the love of pigs riding on giraffes!" Fletcher said and everyone looked at him "You know some children were dropped on the heads as babies, but you must have been thrown at a wall." Raelynn said and smirked as he huffed and teleported away "So you guys wanna co-" Fauna started but stopped when she saw Valkyrie half naked on the counter "Well alright then!" she said and walked out the room leaving Raelynn in an awkward position "So yo-" *loud groan* "See ya!" she said and practically ran out the house.

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