If Skulduggery was late

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The man came crashing through the door and Stephanie screamed in shock as she swung the poker in attempt to hit the intruder but since she was too scared her aim was sloppy and slow which made it easier for the man to dodge which he did, so Stephanie abandoned that idea and ran from the room trying to find a place to hide in a closet? No, that's too obvious! Hide in a room? Again, too obvious! Stephanie was stuck for ideas and she could feel tears pricking in her eyes as the man staked in the room with a evil smile plastered on his face "So girly, where's the key?" he asked and Stephanie backed up with each step he took "I don't know what key your talking about!"

"Yes you do! Now where is the key?" she hit the wall behind her and soon enough the man was towering over her "I swear I don't know what your on about!"

"You don't want to mess with me girly! Now where. Is. The. Key?" he snarled and put his strong arms around Stephanies neck and she tried to squirm free but the man wasn't having it so he tightened his grip "Don't lie to me. Give it too me!" he was shouting now and Stephanie was struggling to breathe and she tried to squeak an answer but she couldn't get anything out as she started to go purple "Ill find it myself then!" the man said and Stephanie blacked out and the man shot her in the chest and her body went limp. Stephanie Edgely was dead. Just as the man shot her Skulduggery Pleasant burst through the door and looked at the girl on the floor "Poor soul." he muttered and ran of the find the intruder.

Just a short chapter! Sorry! I need some suggestions I'm running out, I cant think of anything! If you have any leave them in the comments I would really appreciate it! Oh and also go and check out Raelynn's story 'Do you believe?' its really good!

Thanks for reading!

~Fauna/ Raelynn~

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