What have I done?

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"I love you!" Valkyrie blurted out. Skulduggery didn't look back, he just kept walking towards the accelerator with a heroic feel inside him. Valkyrie collapsed to the floor and sobs and cries of pain escaped her lips as her hero, partner and her best friend walked towards his death. Skulduggery opened the accelerator door, took an unneeded breath and stepped in and turned around to see walked staring at him with teary pleading eyes but he just tilted his head to show he was smiling and but a bony hand to the glass and she scrambled up and put her hand in the same position and they stared to each other for what seemed like forever and what Valkyrie wished was forever. Smoke started to fill the accelerator making Skulduggerys white bones blend in so that his navy suit looked like it was floating. The machine started to shake but Valkyrie never took her eyes of the place he had once been and when the accelerator stopped its rumbling and the smoke had cleared, Skulduggery Pleasant was gone.

Tanith Low was talking to Fletcher who was bragging about being a hero "Oh get over you- Val?" she asked worriedly and rushed over to her sister who had tear pouring down her face like waterfalls "Whats wrong, hun? We beat her!" Tanith tried but Valkyrie didn't so much as move she just kept her head down "He's gone." she whispered and Tanith was confused as to who she meant be 'He'. But then she realised...Skulduggery was know where in sight "Val?" she whispered "he went into the accelerator." her big sister immediately pulled her into a hug and the broken girl sobbed into her shoulder "I tried to tell him not to go. But he wouldn't listen! he had to be the hero! He couldn't just think of me! Think of how I cant live without him! I NEED HIM!" she screamed and a few tears rolled down the blondes face as she heard her sister in more pain than she had ever endured "Shh. You still have me. I'm not going anywhere." she soothed but Valkyrie was broken and there was no fixing the missing part of her heart that left her body when Skulduggery had died. She knew that for sure.

"Steph? Please open the door, honey." Melissa tried but Valkyrie's door was locked and the sobbing could be heard all around the house "I don't know what to do, Des." Melissa said and for once Desmond didn't have anything to say "Neither do I." he said and pulled his wife into a hug.

Valkyrie lay on her bed crying her eyes out. It had been a week since he had gone and it had been a week since she last talked, ate, slept, smiled, laughed. That week seemed like a century and all she wanted was him back. She was waiting for him to be sat on the window when she looked up and proceed to make fun of her for thinking that he had died. But that was never going to happen. He was gone.

Skulduggery Pleasant opened his eyes and looked at his wife who was cuddled up next to his right and then at his beautiful little daughter who was on the left of him and smiled warmly at there sleeping forms. When he had died he had been reunited with his family, Ghastly, Anton, Hopeless and everyone else that he had lost during his time as a skeleton and in the war. He had also been given back his old body which he was thrilled about, although he did miss his skeletal form just a little bit. He slowly wriggled out of the bed, careful not to wake the two girls and slowly made his way to the glowing globe in the centre of the room with allowed him to look down on anyone in the world so he decided to check on Tanith first. She was trying to drag a hair brush through her tangled hair until the brush broke "Same old Tanith Low." he chuckled and checked on Fletcher next who was trying on dresses in the mirror and gelling his hair up to look like Jedward "Slightly disturbing." Skulduggery muttered and finally checked on Valkyrie. She was lay on her bed with tears still streaming down her pale face and her body had gone thinner from lack of food, her eyes were red from lack of sleep and her bed was soaked from the tears that had dropped onto it. Skulduggery's eyes widened as he looked down on his partner who looked utterly broken. Why did he do it? Why did he leave his partner like that? Its because he had to be a hero in his last moments "What have I done?" he whispered and a tear rolled down his face.

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