Forgot (Part 2)

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Ghastly POV

I sat next to Valkyrie in the chair next to the sanctuary bed, holding her pale hand slowly rubbing it. I cant believe Skulduggery did that, I know what she said, but he didn't need to do this too her, he went way to far. I sat for a little while but as I was about to leave Valkyrie stirred in her sleep so I got up and leaned over her and waited for her to wake. Her dark eyes fluttered open and she looked at me, at first she looked fine but after a minute she grew to look petrified of me, so I slowly backed away and asked "Val? Whats the matter?" she didn't respond at first but when she did it was heart breaking "Who are you?" I could feel my guts twist "Its me! Ghastly." I said but she shook her head "I don't know you. Im sorry."

"C'mon Valkyrie, you need to remember!" I begged and took her hand

"Whos Valkyrie?"

"You! You are Valkyrie Cain!"

"No, im Stephanie."

"No, no, no , no! Please no! Kenspeckle!" I yelled and a second later a grumpy man trudged into the room "What?" he asked and I looked over at Valkyrie "Do you know who this is?" I asked "No. I don't remember him." she said and Kenspeckles eyes widened and he rushed over to her "Whats your name?"


"How old are you?"

"Don't know."

"Is magic real?"

"No of course not."

"Oh no." Kenspeckle sighed and turned back "Elder Bespoke you need to call Skulduggery. She's had the best memories with him, hes the one most likely to jog her memory."

"Skulduggery is the one who did this." I said sadly and Kenspeckle angered "He did this?"

"Yes professor Grouse."

"Im going to kill him. Then resurrect him, and kill him again."

"Please professor, we need to get her memory back."

"The only way you can do this is to just talk to her, maybe talk about stories of important people in her life, or just the most important things that have happened to her." Kenspeckle advised and walked out leaving me and Valkyrie alone, but suddenly an idea came to my head "Excuse me, I just need to make some phone calls." I said and called a few people.

About twenty minutes later me, Tanith, Dexter, Erskine, Saracen, Anton, and Kenspeckle were sat down in Valkyries room all looking at her sadly "Ok, Valkyrie we are going to tell you a few stories about us ok. And then were going to see if you remember ok?" I said and smiled, Valkyrie nodded and we started.

Hello, during the next few chapters in this story, im going to be giving each character a POV, so I need your guys ideas for funny moments including

Ghastly and Valkyrie

Tanith and Valkyrie

Dexter and Valkyrie

Erskine and Valkyrie

Saracen and Valkyrie

Anton and Valkyrie and Kenspeckle and Valkyrie. These idea don't have to be from the books, they can be ones you make up yourself.


~Raelynn Meriette~

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