Bloody bags

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"Don't go to overboard on the shopping, love." Skulduggery said and handed Valkyrie his credit card "Don't worry. I wont!"

"Ive heard that before!"

"Well this time I mean it!" Skulduggery bent his head down and placed a delicate kiss on her lips "See you soon." he said and she smiled "Bye!" she said and headed for the door.

Valkyrie arrived at the checkout with a trolley full of items that she had struggle pushing. Her trolley was a mountain that she could hardly see over! Piles and piles of food and drinks! She scanned everything, which took her a good twenty minutes and was about to put everything in bags when she noticed there weren't any so she looked around and saw a shop assistant so she called for him "Um, excuse me! Where are the bags?" she asked and he gave a fake polite smile "Over there." he pointed and Valkyrie's face twisted in anger "Hell nah." she said.

Skulduggery was reading the news paper when he heard the door open so he put his paper down and made his way to the door where Valkyrie was bringing in a few items at a time "Uhhh, Val?" he asked

"Yeah, Skul?"

"Why didn't you get any bags?" she turned to him and put a hand on her hip "I'm not paying 5p for a bloody bag Skul." 

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