Forgot (Part 4)

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Valkyrie stood frozen for a few seconds, before sprinting back into the sanctuary to find the dead men. She ran into Ghastly's office and they were all sat around the table and they looked at Valkyrie confused "Skulduggery, hes lord Vile." she said and everyone gasped and a few angered "Listen, I know your all mad right now, but please understand Lord Vile cant be controlled! Now Skulduggery is your brother! You have all been through thick and thin together and he has risked his life for all of you at one point, now its your turn to return the favour!" she said and looked at them all, and they looked at each other and eventually nodded and they rushed towards Valkyrie "Whats the plan?" Ghastly asked and Valkyrie grinned.

Skulduggerys house.....

Ghastly and Dexter both crept up to the front of the house, because they were the biggest and strongest while Anton, Saracen and Erskine went to the back for the surprise attack. Valkyrie however was waiting outside until Lord Vile was being held back by all of the men. Ghastly gave a signal to Dexter and they crashed through the front door and there stood Lord Vile surrounded by shadows, but he didn't have time to react before Ghastly jumped on him and pinned him to the floor while Dexter pinned his legs. Anton, Saracen and Erskine came from behind and Anton held Lord Viles arms down and Erskine put his hands on his helmet, hoping that he couldn't see now, since his eyes are under the helmet. Saracen sat on his chest with Ghastly so the shadows couldn't escape. When Lord Vile was down Valkyrie came walking in and knelt down next to him "Skulduggery, I know your in there, and I need you to overpower him. Im sorry for everything I said, I was wrong about everything. I was wrong about your wife and I was wrong for calling you a monster, because you aren't. You are the most amazing man I have ever met." Valkyrie had tears streaming down her face now "Please Skulduggery, I need you here with me! I need my Skulduggery, because I love him." Valkyrie finished and Lord Vile started to thrash about and after a while his chest plate fell of with his helmet, his arm plates and his leg plates. Once they were all of they melted into shadows and crept back into Skulduggery's rib cage. He didn't move for a while and the anticipation was killing them all, that's when Skulduggery groaned and sat up. Everyone sighed in relief as he stood up and was embraced by his brothers and he fell right back down again squishing Saracen who was behind him, while Valkyrie stayed back and laughed at the scene in front of her. Eventually the dead men went home and it was just Skulduggery and Valkyrie left in the house with an awkward silence "Listen im sorry for hitting you and shooting you. Im so, so sorry, I will never be able to say it enough until I forgive myself! Valkyrie I am so sorry! Please forgive me." Skulduggery begged and his skeletal frame started to shake and he started to gasp, so Valkyrie came forward and hugged him tight "You don't need to be sorry, I deserved what I got for calling you a monster, everything I said was a lie. But the thing about loving you..." Skulduggery looked at her and ushered her on "Yes...."

"All true." Skulduggery smiled his skeletal grin and brought her close and whispered "Thank god for that. And I guess you wouldn't mind if I did this then." he activated his façade and a handsome face flowed over his skull and he lent in and placed a gentle kiss on her rosy lips. Valkyrie grinned and wrapped her arms around his neck while his went to her waist pulling her closer. They were both deliriously happy...for one in there lives.

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