The End

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"SKULDUGGERY!" Valkyrie screamed and rushed over to him, "Skul! Can you hear me?" she asked desperately trying to stop the bleeding from the multiple bullet wounds in his chest "I...can hear." his voice barely a whisper "You going to be just fine! Your going to make it!"

" going to die."

"NO! No your not! Your not going to leave me!" she sobbed and Skulduggery took one of her hands "Val, I love you."

"Now you tell me!" she said and cried harder "I love you too. So, so much!"

"T...thank going to"

"NO! NO! Your going to live!"


"Please don't leave me! I love you so much! If you go, I go!"

" matter what happens I want you to live on...please...don't kill yourself over me...find someone you love and live a happy life."

"Skulduggery, I can never love anyone as much as I love you!"

"Please Val...I love you...please can you just...kiss me?"

"Oh! Of course." she said and lent down to him and kissed his lips and he put every inch of love and passion he had in his body into it. He could feel his tears rolling down his face along with Valkyrie's splashing on his cheeks. Valkyrie pulled away and looked at him "I love you. Never forget that."

"I love you more than I have ever loved another. Ill always be with you."

"We promised until the end. But I know I will love you for forever and ever, even if the world ends I will still love you."

"Forever still isn't long enough for me to love you. Goodbye Valkyrie, I love you." he whispered and his eyes slowly fluttered shut "I love you Skulduggery, I always will." Valkyrie cried and those were the last words Skulduggery Pleasant ever heard before he took his last breath and died in the arms of the girl who he would love for all eternity.

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