I missed you so much

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Valkyrie had been gone for five years now and she didn't leave a trace as to where she disappeared to. Skulduggery was suffering the worst, he hardly ever talked or meditated his whole life was dedicated to finding Valkyrie. He never changed his suit which meant it was dirty and his trousers where torn along with his shirt, he didn't wear ties anymore and he had lost his fedora years ago, his shoes had holes in them and his jacket was covered in whatever had stained it during all the years Valkyrie had been gone. To say the least Skulduggery wasn't coping well...at all. The only time he went out the house was if he was forced to or he had a lead on where Valkyrie was but they all ended up to be wrong. Skulduggery sat in his house and the only noise was the clock ticking in the corner of the room, he was still his bones were stiff because of the lack of movement and his velvet voice was raspy since he hardly ever talked anymore, he had been sat for hours when the phone rang but he made no move to get it he just let it ring "Hello, I don't want to talk unless you have any possible leads on Valkyrie Cain." his recorded message rang through the room and then another "Hey Skul." it said and Skulduggery had never moved quicker before to get to the phone "H...hello! Is...is that really you...its you! Please tell me its you!" he yelled desperately down the phone and he heard that angelic laugh "Yes, its me! Its Valkyrie."

"Oh my god!" he breathed and he started to cry "Skul? Um...are you ok?"

"Yes! I'm fine! Please...please I need to see you!"

"You will Skulduggery!"

"But when! I need you here now! I need you with me!"

"I'm here Skulduggery."

"I know but I need to see you and too hug you! And to feel you to know your here."

"You don't have to wait any longer." Valkyrie said with a smiled in her voice and Skulduggery was confused "W...what do you mean?"

"Turn around Skul." she said and the line rang off, Skulduggery slowly stood up but didn't turn around just yet but his shoulders started to shake and gasping sounds came out through his teeth "Please be real." he sobbed and he very slowly turned around, and there stood Valkyrie Cain smiling at him. Skulduggery didn't know what to think at first so he reached out his skeletal arm and touched gently stroked her face "Y...your here?" he whispered and she nodded, that's when he ran into her with so much force the both fell back onto the sofa "Hey, its ok!" she laughed and Skulduggery hugged her tight and cried into her hair, "I missed you so much!" he sobbed and Valkyrie stroked his skull tenderly "I missed you too." she whispered back and Skulduggery looked in her eyes for a moment before Valkyrie smiled and kissed his teeth and he responded the only way he could by bringing his body closer to her and he moaned "Valkyrie..." he whispered lovingly and went to reach for his façade whe she batted his hand away "B...but I need to kiss you back." Valkyrie smiled and nodded as Skulduggery turned on his façade but she didn't care what it looked like today so she pulled his back into the kiss where he was able to kiss her back, for the first time in five years Skulduggery Pleasant smiled.

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