Sleepy Joe-Joe Keery

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I checked my watch and sighed. I got off one of the cots in the break room, fixed my scrubs, and went back to my shift. I walked into the nurses' station and sighed when I saw the stack of patient files for me.

"I know," my coworker Monique laughed as I joined her. "Those stacks seem to double in size every time I turn around."

"Every time I take one, two take its place," I sighed as I grabbed the file on top.

I went through the day like it was any other day. Patients needed help, parents needed reassurance, and things needed fixing. It was finally time for my second break. I walked to the break room and sat on one of the cots. I ran my fingers through my hair, keeping my eyes closed.

I didn't open my eyes until my phone went off. I grabbed it out of my pocket and looked at the message.

Joe ❤️
Hey, beautiful. This has been the longest four months of my life! Can't wait to see you in a couple of hours. When I get home, I'm going to take you in my arms and never let you go.

Joe has been away filming the final season of Stranger Things. The first month he was gone, we talked every day and Facetimed every night. The longer he's been gone, the busier we've each gotten. His filming schedule got busier and my shifts got longer. I've been taking a lot more double shifts the last couple of weeks.

I planned to take a couple of double shifts a week to save my vacation days. I wanted to save for when Joe finally comes home. He's going to be exhausted, as he usually is after months of filming, and he's going to want to do nothing. I want to be available to do nothing with him.

Instead of texting him, I decided to call. The phone barely rang first before I was greeted with his perfect laugh.

"I send a text and you call me?" He teased.

"I needed to hear your voice," I said as I laid down. There was a comfortable silence as we listened to each other's breathing.

"You on break?" He asked, his voice soft.

"Yep," I sighed. "Second one."

"Second?" Joe asked, the concern coming through the phone. "Baby, are you doing double shifts again? You know how I don't like those. I worry about you. Especially with me all the way here."

"I'm fine, babe," I chuckled. "Hate to break it to you, but I've been taking a lot of double shifts lately."

"Why?" I could hear the frustration in his voice.

"Joe," I said patiently, "sweetheart, I'm fine."

"But. . ."

"I've been taking double shifts and saving up my days off for when you get home. Yes, double shifts are exhausting but I get paid twice as much and earn an extra day off. All so I can spend time with you when you get home."

"Damn," Joe chuckled, "I love you."

"I love you too," I said softly. "I probably won't be able to talk much today. This is my last break."

"How much longer is your shift?"

"A couple of hours," I shrugged. I quickly added, "It's not long."

"How much longer on your break?" He asked.

"Little under fifteen minutes," I said after checking my watch.

"You should get some sleep," he said gently.

"But I want to talk to you," I pouted.

"I want to talk to you too, baby," Joe said sweetly. "But you need to get some sleep."

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