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Advice Request
This person wants to keep in touch with the person they like, who is moving away but don't know how.

Answered Submission
There are many options that would allow you to find your way around your situation! Here are just a few:

1. If you have a home phone, give it to him so you two can keep in contact. This may be a little frustrating if your family picks up, but at least it's better than nothing.

2. If he has social media, write down his username(s) and save it for the future, when you get social media. That way, you can follow him right away, when you get your own.

3. Decide on what you want your future social media username to be, and give it to him. This is not the best option, since he might lose it or forget to follow you, but he can search your username up from time to time, and, when you get social media, he can find you!

4. Exchange addresses. There's nothing wrong with going old school! You can mail each other. Even though it may be slow, you can still stay in contact. This is one of the best ways!

I hope you found this helpful, and I wish you good luck!

With love,

The Advice Column Team

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