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Advice Request
The requester is being ignored by their best friend.

Answered Submission
Hey there! 

I agree with your friend T. The best option is to talk to DB about how you feel. It's unimaginable how much being honest and straightforward with your friends is rewarding. In friendships, and in all relationships, communication is key.  

Approach her alone when you've both got the time and open up that conversation. Try to convey to her as nicely as possible the things that bother you. Explain to her how it bugs you that she brings up personal things the way she does. 

Once you've made all your points clear, allow her the chance to tell you what bothers her as well. Keep an open mind to what she might reveal. Once you both understand what upsets you, you can each work towards keeping each other comfortable within these new guidelines.  

Friends can make mistakes and they can bother you without consciously realizing it, therefore the best thing to do is to talk it out with them. 

I hope this works out for you! 

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