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Advice Request
This person wants a second opinion how to approach their crush.

Answered Submission

If you think that this guy likes you, then that's great! But I think you can't assume based on the simple facts that he teases you and that you've both texted each other a couple times. There is a chance that he is like that with everyone else. Although he might be interested in you, I think he should show more sign of interest, like making the move almost all the time, getting to know you better, and finding ways to spend more time with you/to see you often. If you're worried that he might like you, so far I think you shouldn't at all because he seems like any casual guy friend out there who's just really friendly and kind to people. If that's the case, then it seems like you're overthinking or taking it deeply. If you are the one developing feelings for him, however, that is another thing. But I don't think there is any need to worry about whether he likes you or not, because this seems to me like a friendship.


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