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Advice Request
This person is scared to come out to their family.

Answered Submission
Hi there!

I like your username, by the way.

Okay, now, let’s talk about the advice.

You said that both your father and your step-dad don’t seem like they’ll be supportive if you come out. You also mentioned that you’re still underage, and can’t go anywhere if things go wrong.

So, for now, I have to advise you to keep it a secret. However, if you ever found out that your mother and your step-mom don’t mind who you are, you can always tell them, if you wish to. But, first, before telling them, make sure that they can keep it a secret from your father and step-dad. If you think they can’t do that, I think it’s better to not say anything yet. Later, when you’re not underage anymore, you can just tell them, but make sure you have a backup plan if things don’t go well.

Even if your family ends up not being able to accept who you are, you should know that you have your friends by your side. As for the suicidal thoughts problem, it’s great that you're better now, but if you sense that the thoughts are coming back, you should seek professional help right away. They will help you learn how to curb those thoughts. If you can’t pay for a psychiatrist, you can go to your school’s counselor.

You can also go to find professional help, even if you’re not having suicidal thoughts right now. Either way, they can help you to avoid those thoughts from coming again.

Right now, what I think you could do is ask your friend to wait for a moment. However, you don’t really have to follow what I have told you; you can do what you think is best for your situation. Only you understand your own situation best.

I hope this helps.

With love,

The Advice Column Team

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