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Answered Submission
Almost everyone I know has been through that phase, at least once in their lives. When I look at them now, they are happier and more successful than those people who haven't been through that. This is because the people who have been through hardships have more experience with dealing with tough situations and have become stronger and braver because of it.

But, for now, look around your school. Are there any kids that seem to be in the same boat as you? Maybe you don't notice them on a regular basis, but, now, really look for them. Look for them in the library during lunch, or at the dark corner at the back of the class, or even just in the shadows between classes. Befriend them, and they will be so grateful to you. You'll have found yourself and him/her a new friend.

As for your parents and sister, I say have a talk with them about your situation at school—especially with your sister. She must have gone through something at least a little similar to you. Tell them how you want to be closer to them, and if they still don't treat you the way you deserve to be treated, reach out to a close relative, or even the old lady next door. Find people who you can confide in, because they will become the most important people in life for you.

Trust me, you are worth more than you ever dreamed of, and you deserve to be treated like a queen. (Just don't let that get to you head!) Your "friends" don't seem to know that, and if you can't establish that kind of relationship, then they don't deserve you. Try to put space between yourself and them, and find other friends who respect you.

The time will pass, and you will have the best time of your life afterwards. You're young, and the world has so much more to offer you. Everything happens for a reason.


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