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Advice Request
The requestor's boyfriend has been distant lately and it's taken a toll on the requestor's health.

Answered Submission

I think there will be a time in any relationship where this starts to happen, and in this case, it probably seems more difficult due to the fact that you attend different schools. This leads me to assume you don't see each other as often as you used to/would like to.

I would continue to have faith in him and to trust him, as well as to trust your best friend when she says that nothing is going on. It could be as simple as him not having as much free time as he used to; his school work could've increased. There are multiple possible explanations as to why he isn't messaging you back or calling you. One thing I would suggest, however, is that, although you trust both your boyfriend and your best friend, you still need to explain the effect that the lack of communication from your boyfriend is having on you. I'm sure he doesn't mean to be hurting you or to be making you paranoid.

I would continue to message him—ask him how he's doing, how his day has been, and how school is, and insist that you catch up soon so that you can see each other in person. You'll be able to talk through a lot of things better if you speak in person. Relationships are difficult and different for everyone, but one of the most important things is communication. Just make sure that your boyfriend knows how you're feeling, and I'm sure that things will work out.

I hope this helps,
The Advice Colum Team

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