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Advice Request
The requestor has liked someone who hasn't reciprocated their feelings so they are trying to get over him. Somebody likes the requestor and two of their friends like the person that they like.

Answered Submission

First of all, thank you for your kind words. It's very much appreciated. :)

I think the next step for you to take is to tell the boy that you like him. I know it will be hard; the fear of rejection from a crush is a big worry, but since you have liked him for so long, and you have also tried to get over him, I think this will be what is needed. If you think about it, the worst he can do is say no, and then you'll still be roughly where you are now. Or he could surprise you, accept a date, and see where things go. What is it that makes you think that he will never like you back? There's every chance that he might like you back!

I know it might seem like a complicated situation with two of your friends also liking him, but the only way to move forward, or to move on, is to take that leap and ask him. Even if your other two friends also happen to confess their feelings to his face, there's still the fact that he can turn them down too. There's no guarantee that he likes any of them back, and there's also no guarantee that he won't feel the same about you. You have to try to keep an aspect of positivity in these situations. Crushes are tough and sometimes confusing, but as long as you put yourself out there a little bit, something will happen, and whatever that may be, it will be for the best.

As for the other boy who likes you but you don't like him back and don't think there's a chance you ever will: I suggest telling him that. Obviously let him down gently and be friendly and amicable because you have to understand that how he is feeling is essentially how you are feeling.

Don't worry about if this is a question that we receive a lot. It doesn't matter. We're here to help everyone who writes to us, no matter what advice they need. Also, don't worry about rambling. It totally made sense anyway! I'm sure I've probably rambled a bit in this answer, and we've all definitely rambled at some point in our lives! :D

I hope some of this helps. Good luck in whatever you do with this situation,

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