Chapter 9

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Three days later

"Looking for a Stacey Johnson" a random man asks and I perk up hearing the name. Me?
"Hi, that's me. How can I help?" I ask him politely and he hands me an envelope.
"This is for you" he tells me and I nod accepting the letter I presume.
I look at it front and back and look up to see he's gone. Weird.
I rip the envelope open and open the letter to see Liam's handwriting. My baby.

Hello beautiful
I hope this letter gets to you and that your safe and well. I'm so happy to here you got engaged so your probably married by now. I know how impatient you can be.
I have a confession to make.
I love you Stacey Johnson and I'm so fucking miserable and alone without you. I never understood how you felt untill now grown up and back in prison. I know what your thinking. How could I but it was a long stupid story that I hope to tell you one day. I miss you beautiful and I wanted to tell you that I'm having a baby. This doesn't change anything or my feelings for you. My time in here has made me see that I need to stop being selfless with you and be honest. I fucking love you and want you. And that's what's gonna happen when I'm out I'll do anything for another chance baby.
I can't just love someone else and be happy. It's you I'm inlove with and I won't be happy until I have you back. I need you. It will always be me and you baby.
I should have never told you to move on.. That's my biggest regret and I hate myself for making you do it when you didn't want to. I'm so sorry baby and I'll never stop being sorry. How much I really wish I could hear you or see you right now. I don't even have your scent anymore. All I have is one picture of you and that gets me through my time, seeing you every morning and every night.
I hope your baby girl is fit and healthy and just as beautiful as her mother. I hope to see you both one day soon.
I'll love you Always and Forever Stacey Johnson.
Your Liam XXXXX

I take a seat at one of the tables in the bakery and cry. What is happening? Why is he saying all of this now? I want to write back and tell him I'm miserable and alone too. That I'll be here when he gets out again. Like fucking normal.
I take the letter putting it into my pocket and wipe my eyes. I'm done crying. I tell myself. And when the fuck was I getting married? I have so many questions and no fucking return address. I know Victor said something. Sian wouldn't do that to me. I pull out my phone and dial Victor's number.
"Baby girl, you missed me?" he says answering and I roll my eyes..
"Did you tell Liam we were getting fucking married?" I spit it out and he goes silent for a moment..
"Yes I did to keep him away, don't tell me he's back around. He best not be around my daughter" he says and I laugh hard.
"Your a fucking joke Victor. You fucked everything and don't start the my daughter shit.. You don't even see her" I stress looking around the bakery.
"She looks nothing like me Stacey" he starts but I laugh again.
"Your mum thinks differently" I tell him and he shuts up.
"That's what I thought. Just grow up and stay out of my life. You want your daughter fine. See her but stay the fuck out my shit" I yell and put the phone down. He's ruined everything. I should ruin him the fucking imbecile. I suddenly laugh at the name Liam calls him and a tear falls down my cheek. I've actually lost him because he lied.. I lied. And now he's miserable and alone like I was. What have I done. My poor baby.

Stood in the bakery with Sam my new employee I watch how he makes the batch of cookies to perfection and smile. Atleast he listens to me.
"You've come such a long way" I tell him as I take a cookie and sit on the side.
"Thanks Stacey. I love it here" he says and I smile at him.
"Good to hear" I tell him dying at how delicious this cookie tastes.
"I will lock up you can go after you've done that" I tell him and he nods bagging up the baking. I jump down thinking I need a break and to get away from everything. Maybe I should go visit my mum with her new fiance in Leeds after all.
"Sam? Can I talk to you actually" I call him back over and he nods smiling.
"I'm thinking of going away for awhile. Can I trust you to run this place as if it was your own, no fuck ups" I ask him and he's grinning ear to ear.
"Oh my god yes! I'll treat it like a baby, I've got this boss" he beams and I laugh a little at his enthusiasm.
"I'll be leaving Friday and I don't know how long for. If you need anything the recipes are over there in that book. I'll give you the spare set of keys and make sure you lock up properly and ring me every two-three days to let me know how things are going." I tell him and he nods excited.
"Thank you for trusting me with your bakery Stacey, I won't let you down" he says and hugs me. OK..
I hug him back and pull away looking at him grinning. Bless him.
"I'll see you tomorrow Sam" I tell him and he grabs his coat taking off his apron and hangs it up. Following him out the door I wave bye and shut the door locking it up. Turning the sign to closed I shut all the blinds and head upstairs with Mya to start my packing. I'm leaving in two days.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now