Chapter 65

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Stepping out the shower I put on another cosy teddy loungewear and wait for Liam to be ready. I am not walking into them on my own. I just know they heard us well Liam atleast for centain. I'm gonna go bright red if they mention it. How we gonna live together. I'm a noisy sexual person but I know Liam loves that so I don't intend to stop. I probably couldn't even if I tried.
"You ready to go down?" Liam asks me now he's done..
"I've been ready" I tell him chuckling and he grabs me
"That smart mouth will get filled real quick baby" he warns and I smirk up at him.
"Let's go" I say instead and d he grabs my hand leading me down the hall and down the stairs. Getting closer to the noises my heart beats rapidly in my chest. Fuck. Please don't embarrass me anyone..
Walking into the living room Angelica smirks at me and I blush instanty. Fuck that's not helpful Stacey.
"The girls are in the garden with Becky" she tells us and I nod offering her a smile.
"OK thanks babe" I tell her and she smiles.
I'm surprised Liam hasn't had any smart comments off Jason. Clearly there's something wrong. He's a quiet guy but this is ridiculous.
"What did you want to do?" Angelica asks stretching up looking between us and Jason.
"How about the games room, shoot some balls and have some fun? But I want Liam" Angelica says jumping up and coming over to grab Liam. Why would I want to be on Jason's team. Fuck sake.
"Alright love, let's go" Liam tells her and gets up and picks Angelica up spinning her around. Why can't Jason be like that? Not necessarily picking me up but happy.. Smiling. Instead I get left to walk awkwardly with Jason that won't even look at me. How the fuck we gonna team up and contemplate winning when he can't even be civil with me. Shit..

Arriving, I watch Liam set up the pool table and Angelica grabs ques for us all and hands me one.
"Thanks girl" I tell her and she grins at me. She's always so happy and positive I love it.
"I'll break" Angelica says and I watch Liam starting my antics now. It's the only way I can win. Jason's clearly not in the mood.
Angelica takes her shot and pots a yellow ball and misses the next shot. I look at Jason who's not even paying attention. God sake.
"Yay I'm red" I say excitedly and Liam looks me over. You ready baby...
I work my way around the table and bend over right infront of Liam to take my shot and I hear him groan. I spread my legs and pot the red into the bottom right pocket. Yes!
"I see you baby" Liam says and I look back at him holding my chest.
"Me? I'm just playing baby" I tell him running my hand along his chest walking around the table to take another shot..
I bend forward very slowly and keep eye contact with Liam biting my lip.
"That not fair babe, your cheating" Angelica whines and I laugh and take the shot missing it and I sigh watching Liam smirk at me and he steps forward.. Come on then show off..
"Now do I just pot everything and end the game? Or play on all your lots level?" Liam asks and winks at me. Bastard.
"OK brother, big mouth now yeah" Jason says and Liam smirks. What is happening?
"Well after that comment the least I can do is leave you a shot" Liam tells him and leans over to takes a shot and pots one after the other. No fair.
He gets down to take another shot and looks up at me and I pull a sad sulking face crossing my arms and he just hits the white around the table. Yes, thank you baby.
"Two shot for me" Jason pipes up and starts to take his shot potting the red and then another and the white stops behind a yellow. Fuck Jason.. Liam and Angelica laugh at him and he shrugs and hits the ball missing completely. Shit..
"My turn" Angelica jumps up and pots the yellow and another.. She's not bad bless her.
"I can't reach it" she moans and looks to Liam. Jason laughs at her and I just bite my lip trying to stifle a laugh too.
Bless her short legs.
Liam lifts her up hovering her over the table and I just stare at them. I want lifting over the table.. Again.
She misses the ball understandably and I take my shot. I need to bring my a game. Take your time Stacey don't let him win.
"No pressure my queen" Liam says to me and I squint my eyes at him. I see your game Johnson. I take my time looking at the ball from different angles and take a shot potting the first red and observe the rest of the table. You got this Stacey. I look around and end up infront of Jason. Never fucking mind. I bend over concentrating on the ball and hit the white potting another red. Yes! I stand back up and walk back to being infront of Liam who caresses my ass and I look at him raising a brow.
"Baby" I tell him and he chuckles as I lean over and take a deep breath. I line up my que and sink the ball in the bottom left. Yes! I stand up and clap to myself making everyone laugh.
"You can do it my queen, get to the ball you really want" Liam says and I turn looking at him with my mouth open. Did he really just say that. Fucking hell. I blush and turn back to the table. He will not put me off. Suddenly feeling hands on me and I know it's Liam by the way he's touching me.
"It's like deja vu seeing you bent over this table" he says into my ear and I bite my lip stifling a moan. Shit. Nooo Stacey. Just breathe. I push him away and hold up my hand.
"Stay away, or nothing for you" I tell him and he backs straight away smirking holding up his hands.
"Good boy" I tell him and wink turning back to the table I lean over again and take the shot missing the ball. Fuck! Liam's turn great..
"Same rules apply right?" he asks me and I raise my brow.
"You don't want me to touch you?" I ask him pretending to be offended.
"Always and Forever beautiful" he tells me and I smile at him acting happily.
Bless him.
"But seriously, no cheating baby" he tells me and points his que at me.
"I'll think about it" I tell him licking my lips looking him over. I can see I'm slowly getting to him and he raises his brow and takes his shot potting both yellow balls. He's totally won now.
"Maybe I should leave this ball for you my queen" he says and I put my hands on my hips and he groans at me. Spinning back to the table Liam hits the white into the black ball soft, making it roll to the cushion and he stands up smirking at Jason.
"Really brother, we're playing like that?" Jason says sighing and walking around the table looking what to do. He looks lost.
He pots the red easily and stands there staring at the ball willing it to move.
"Baby just take the shot" Angelica says to him and he holds up his finger to her thinking clearly.
"Stop trying to put me off" he tells her and she giggles.
"Let your wife show you how it's done bro" Liam tells him and laughs. There being cruel.
"You got this Jason" I tell him and he looks at me and I smile and he actually smiled back. Jeez.
"It's just a hit and hope job, just hit the ball already" Liam tells him and Jason sighs leaning down and hits the white off the black sending it around the table off multiple cushions and landing in an awkward spot for his short wife. Good man. Game first!
She approaches the table staring at Jason unimpressed.
"Roll it to the cushion love nice and easy" Liam says to her helping.
"No coaching brother, let her take the shot" Jason tells him and I stand there impatiently wanting to pot the ball myself.
She gets down and does exactly what Liam says but the white doesn't land where Liam thought. HA my turn..
"You really do look so sexy today wife" Liam tries coaxing me and I look up at him from my position and I look back at the ball thinking I can actually pot this. I line it up look at Liam licking my lips while I sink the ball into the hole.
"YESS!" I scream as I stand back up jumping happily and I turn and hug Jason randomly, tight too. What the fuck am I doing? He freezes and I pull away quick, awkwardly
"My bad" I tell him crossing my arms.
What was I thinking?

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now