Chapter 87

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Finally arriving back at the mansion I see so many cars just lined up waiting. Shit there here before I'm even ready. Fuck.
Rico pushes in the code and the gates open and I hear everyone start there engines and follow us in through the gates and park up everywhere.
"Thanks Rico" I tell him and he nods sending me a kind smile.
Climbing out the car I look to Liam half panicky.
"Dont worry baby, there early. And we won't start without you beautiful" he tells me and I smile glad I won't have to walk in by myself. I hate that shit.
Walking thought the door it's awful quite for two toddlers, then I see Becky walk out sighing when she sees me
"The girls are napping on the sofa so I'm around if you need me" she tells me with a smile.
"Alright babes, thank you" I tell her and pull Liam up the stairs. They need to see my king like the boss he is. In that sexy suit. Fucking hell isit hot in here?

Stepping out the shower with Liam we had no time for fucking around. Sad.
But we have guests waiting if they accept him we will be doing plenty of celebrating.
I dry quickly and I feel Liam's eyes on me.
"I love you naked baby" he tells me wrapping me up from behind.
"I know the feeling but we have no time for that" I tell him spinning in his arms and kissing him.
"We always have time to make an heir my queen" he whispers into my ear and I melt against him
"After baby, I don't want to make a bad first impression" I tell him and he kisses my neck making me weak for him.
"Are you sure I can't persuade you?" he asks me so low and deep and so fucking sexy.
"Quickly" I push him back into the shower and he turns it on pushing me against the wall.

Standing in my dressing room finally done with my appearance I apply a red lip stick af flip my hair over my shoulder
"Fucking hell my queen, how many times do you plan in stopping my heart" I hear Liam say from behind me and I turn looking at him smiling.

Standing in my dressing room finally done with my appearance I apply a red lip stick af flip my hair over my shoulder"Fucking hell my queen, how many times do you plan in stopping my heart" I hear Liam say from behind me and I turn looking at him ...

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"Damn baby, oh my god you look so fucking hot. Do we need to go down?" I say to him looking him over.
"I'm ready if you are beautiful" he says and I smile up at him.
"Always when your by my side" I tell him and he groans at me tucking his arm around my waist and pulling me closer.
"Let's get this over with" he says and I nod walking out with him.
We walk down the stair and see Jason standing there
"Good luck brother" he tells Liam and he nods walking past him. He doesn't need to be in that frame of mind.
We walk into the back garden where everyone's seated around waiting for us.
Soon as we stroll in hand in hand everyone watches us and stands. Fucking hell. Feels like being back in school.
I look around at everyone and see no one familiar. Great
"Liam, son" someone says and we turn to the man approaching.
"Good to see you again Tony" Liam says to him and I just smile politely. What do I even do at these things. Just stand here and look pretty.
"This is my wife Stacey, and this is Tony. He was Steve's boss" Liam tells me and I smile at him.
"It's nice to meet you" I tell him
"The pleasures all mine sweetheart" he says taking my hand and kissing it. Awkward. Please don't flip.. I look up at Liam who seem calm and doesn't seem to have a problem. Ohhk..
"Let's have a few drinks then we'll get started" Liam tells him and he nods.
"I'm glad you are filling Steve's spot. He'd be proud" Tony tells Liam and my heart swells I knew it. And I was right.
"Thanks Tony, that means alot coming from you" Liam tells him and he nods patting his shoulder then leaves us to mingle.

After mingling with a bunch of people I've met alsorts of people and liam doesn't even know everyone either which wasn't helpful for me anyways. He introduced me as his wife to everyone we spoke to and I've never had my hand kissed so much. Jeez
"Are you ready to go take a seat and get this started?" Tony comes up to us asking.
"Let's go" Liam tells him escorting me inside.
"How you doing baby?" I ask him quietly and he looks down at me smiling.
"It feels right, like this is where I'm supposed to be beautiful" he tells me and I smile proud of him.
"Your doing great either way baby, the suits killing it" I tell him running my hand down his tie.
"Thank you my queen, your killing me I that outfit" he tells me and I bite my lip looking at him. He suddenly pulls me in for a kiss and takes my breath away.
Pulling apart I see people looking at us nd I blush feeling embarrassed by them watching.
"Can a man not kiss his wife without being gawked at?" Liam asks them laughing lightening the mood clearly. Everyone's so tense.
"They will never change will you boys" I hear a familiar voice and I look to see Eva.. Steve's wife.

"Oh my god, I didn't know you was coming" I tell her walking over to her and hugging her tightly

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"Oh my god, I didn't know you was coming" I tell her walking over to her and hugging her tightly.
"How can I miss the day Steve's son takes over from him" she tells me and I put my hand on my heart. She's the best.
"I'm sorry, do i know you?" Liam asks her and I face palm. They've never met.
Liam walks over to us and I smile up at him.
"Liam baby, this is Eva, Steve's wife. Eva Liam" I say introducing them.
"I'm sorry, it's lovely to finally meet you" he says and kisses her hand. My stomach flips at the action and I push it a side. It's just a gesture Stacey calm down.
"He'd be so happy your taking over from him. He spoke very highly of you.. You both actually" Eva says and I grin happily.
"Well I hope I can make him proud" Liam tells her and she smiles rubbing his arm comforting. I take a deep breath and question myself as to why I'm jealous of her touching him. I like her but I will cut bitche's for touching what's mine. Whao Liam's seriously rubbing off on me..
"Eva darling, its so lovely to see you. Did you bring it" Tony suddenly speaks and we all look between them.. Bring what?
"Yes I have it" she says and walks over to Tony handing him a small box. For a ring maybe? It's that small.
"Don't fucking touch me, I swear to God" I hear coming form outside the door and I look to Liam.
"I'll deal with it baby, continue I'll be right back" I tell him and smile at everyone as I turn to leave.
I open the door and see Angelica standing there pissed
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I whisper shout at her and she shrugs.
"I need to go get something for in there" she says and I raise a brow at her.
"I will not tell you again. Your not going in there. Now back away before I'm forced to remove you myself" the guard tells her and I sigh.
"Just go Angelica, your making it harder for yourself" I tell her and she stands her ground.
"I told you I need something from in there.. What are you doing that's so secretive anyways" she asks and I put my hand up.
"You don't need shit because you've never been in this god damn room Angelica. Your just be nosey. Go away before I make him move you myself" I tell him getting irritated.
"Angel what are you doing? Just leave them to it" Jason says and I smile at him. Atleast he sees sense Liam's gonna be pissed when everyone's gone so its her own choice. But she will not embarrass my husband today.
"Just fucking go. I won't tell you again" I warn her and she raises a brow at me. The door suddenly flies open and I turn.
Liam walks straight last me and grabs Angelica.
"You follow me" he points to the guard throwing her over his shoulder and carries her away. What the fuck..
"Brother, where you taking my wife?" Jason asks him following. I just stand there listening to Angelica scream out..
"Liammm! Put me down right now!" she calls out and I just laugh but if I don't I'll cry.
Liam suddenly reappears collecting him self and stops infront of me. I look at his hand to see if it was a ring and I was right. He's wearing it. He's the fucking Boss!
"I'm so proud of you baby" I tell him smiling running my hands sown his front.
"It's done, just need to discuss getting these out of here. Now!" he states and I nod agreeing completely.
"You've got this boss" I say to him and he smirks at me as he escorts me back into the room.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now