Chapter 108

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Finally we arrive home and I climb out amd stretch my aching body. I love living here but the fucking rides tedious.
I take the Ruby out and Jason climbs out after nearly falling on his face and liam grabs Mya.
"I'm good, need more drink tho" Jason says and I look at Liam to answer him.
"You'll be dri king alone bro" Liam tells him and I thought he would of now we was home but it makes sense. The shit Jason keeps coming out with Liam will get drunk and bury him in the garden this time.
"Boringggg" Jason says staggering towards the door.
"Leave it yeah. You can drink but he doesn't want to Jason. Get in" I tell him opening the door and he laughs walking in.
"Anybody else want to drink with me as my brother is Boringggg" he shouts into the place then laughs. Rico and Becky walk out and Jason stops and looks at him.
"Who the fuck are you have I been replaced? BROTHER?" he says spinning around and liam just sighs. It's gonna be a long night..
Liam hands Mya to me and kisses me.
"Let me take care of him baby and I'll be with you soon" he tells me and I nod.
"Rico, come with me bro" he tells him and he jogs over to him and I just watch Becky. Hmm you better not of been fucking on my sofa.
Becky comes over to me and takes the girls kicking back into work mode and I smile at her.
"Thanks babe it's been a long ass day" I tell her and she smiles at me.
"It's alright. I missed you girls" she says crouching down as I put them down.
"So he's your bro now" I hear Jason say and  I shake my head. Great now he's jealous of Rico. My bed is calling me.

After settling the girls in the living room there happily playing with Becky and I haven't heard much from the office. What's happening. I walk into the kitchen and make a strong black coffee and grab asprin from the cupboard and a bottle of water and take them to the office. Knocking I open the door and take them to Jason.
"Take these now, and drink this when it's cooled" I tell Jason and he blows me a kiss at me. I roll my eyes at him and look to Liam.
"Do you need anything baby, Rico?" I ask them looking between them both.
"Yeah, something to knock this cunt out with" Rico says and I laugh.
"You have no idea" I tell him laughing and he just looks at Jason.
"Liam..." I say as he just holds his chair staring at his desk. What's wrong with him now. What fucking happened?
"he stopped talking about ten minutes ago after what he said. Why you think I said he needs knocking out" Rico tells me and I sigh.
"What did he say now?" I ask him and Rico looks to Liam.
"Just fucking say it Rico" I raise my voice and he looks at me.
"Will everyone lighten up I only said I needed to sober up before I ended up having another.. You know what" Jason says and laughs and I hear Liam growl. Fuck. Beast..
"Baby, it's fine he's joking. Aren't you Jason" I stare at Jason while I walk over to Liam.
"Yes of course I'm joking sexy" Jason says and I feel to punch him myself
"Keep talking I dare you" I warn him and he holds up his hands laughing.
"What you are sexy. Am just saying what I see. Rico am I wrong" he says and I hear Liam heavily breathing.
"Don't bring me into this, I have eyes for Becky. And I'd never disrespect my boss. You have so balls and I wanna chop them off for him" Rico says and u smile. He admitted he likes Becky. Aww.
"You and Becky. I thought that was Liam's old thing" Jason says and I spin my head so quick to Liam i could of gave myself whiplash.
"Really bro? This shit.. Again.." Liam says and I step back.
"What's he talking about?" I ask Liam calmy not wanting to jump to conclusions.. Yet.
"Baby me and Becky are strictly professional, I promise you that" Liam tells me and I breath a sigh of relief. He wouldn't lie.
"Quit stirring shit asshole" I tell Jason and he laughs.
"I'm just saying. There very very close" he says with a smirk
"Tell us something we don't know, yeah there close so what. He's a great boss" Rico says and my minds going crazy right now. Is he just a great boss. He wonld promise me if it was more. He wouldn't lie about this. She looks after oitlr fucking children.
"That's it you made me regret my decision to bring you herd. You best sober up and quick so I we can have a conversation one to one because I've had enough of your shit. Your just jealous of everything really. Just like your wife. You make me sick. Get out my face" Liam tells him and looks to Rico who nods getting up and grabs Jason.
"Don't fucking touch me" Jason spits and I sigh
"Just go sober up Jason before you make it worse for yourself" I tell him and he shakes his head no.
"Rico leave it. I'll do it" Liam finally says and storms over to him grabs him and flings him over his shoulder and walks out the office. Well that was fun.
"Well that was.." Rico start
"Fucking annoying. He's not like that all the time. It's a hard day today for them both and he's just letting off steam I'm sorry" I tell him and he nods understanding
"The things he was saying when you left. I'm surprised Liam didn't fuck him up." he tells me and I don't even want to know what he said.
"He has a incy wincy crush on me" I tell him rolling my eyes.
"It's more than that. There something wrong" he says and I nod sighing.
"There mums anniversary is today. She died seven years ago today" I tell him and he sighs.
"That will do it. And he's piling more on to Liam, he's seem good ish this morning" he says and I nod.
"He's been good alday. Just Jason started soon as we got in the car. Wanted to get everything off his chest" I tell him rolling my eyes again.
"Alcohol will do that to you. Liam seems sober tho" he says and I nod proud.
"That's because he is. Not one drop but I won't blame him for wanting one now. Because I know I fucking do" I tell him and he laughs. Kim walks back in and the laughter dies down.
"You OK baby?" I ask him walking up to him.
"I will be when he's sober and back to his normal self can you believe he fucking slapped me" Liam says and I can't help but laugh.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't laugh but he'll regret it all in the morning and apologize for it all and grovel. He needs you baby" I tell him and he sighs
"He needs a fucking slap back that's for sure my face is killing." he says and I chuckle and kiss the red mark on his cheek. He should be happy he's drunk otherwise it would of ended very very differently.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now