Chapter 126

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"Are we ready for some fun boys?" I call out as Liam and I walk down the basement stairs.
"Just let us go and you'll never see us again I promise" Robbie says and I laugh.
I walk over to him and stop infront of him.
"Well soon enough we'll make sure that we won't see you again anyways. So it doesn't really matter what you want" I tell him.
Liam stands there with his bottle just staring at them swigging away. I walk up to him and take the bottle from his hand and look up into his eyes swirling. There's my beast..
"Come on baby, let me watch you release" I tell him biting my lip and he growls.
"I only need one, so which one" he asks and I shrug.
"Either will do my king. You choose. Who's face makes you more angry. Robbie for everything he's done with the gun. Or Victor for ruining us from the beginning and lying? Who makes you more livid?" I amp him up and he growls at me
"Robbie held a gun to your brother.. And Victor had his hands all over me"
"Your daughter could of been hurt.. But then Victor intentionally hurt us all with his lies" I amp him further and he growls louder clenching his fists. That's it baby let it out.
"You ready to show your wife how you fuck shit up" I ask biting my lip and he snarls
He walks over to a picture on the wall and starts to open it and clearly its another safe. I watch what he's doing and I see him pull a gun. Things are getting interesting.
Closing it he walks back over to me and hands it to me and I pout.
"Mines better" I tell him and he rolls his eyes. Bastard.
"I'm letting them both free, if they come at you shoot them" he says and cracks his neck and stretches his flexing muscles. So fucking hot.
"Alright, let's play" I tell him with a smile and he walks over to them dragging them away from me and releases them stepping back. He takes his top off and I whimper. This is gonna be hard.
"Let's fuck him up bro" Robbie says and Liam laughs cold and humorless and I shiver. The beast is out. I bite my lip and observe everything cocking the gun ready for anything.
"Let's do it, we need out of here NOW!" Victor says and lunges at Liam.
Liam catches Victor grabbing him by his throat and headbutts him straight to his nose letting go as he sways and punches him to the stomach then right hooks him knocking him to the floor. I can't help but clap for my man getting excited.
Please come for me so I can shoot you.
Robbie makes his move and flies at Liam and he just stares at him growling as Robbie punches him. Liam don't even move.
That's my king right there. Nothing effects him.
"My turn" Liam tells him and he just lifts him like he's weightless and throws him against the wall. Victor stands back up and takes a swing for him catching his face and Liam just laughs and punches him again making Victor step back.
"Come on you both hit like fucking girls" Liam tells them and I laugh.
"Bitches" I yell out and Robbie looks at me. I fucking dare you mate. You'll die.
"Both of you come at me fuck sake" Liam tells them and they both charge at him together and I watch intently..
"Fuck them up baby" I call out cheering him on. I watch them both swing at Liam and I'm not liking how there both hitting him. My baby's face.
He suddenly lifts them both and charges them into the wall growling. Thank God
"Having fun without me bro" I turn and see Rico coming around the stairs and he stands next to me and watches.
"He's reminding them who's in charge, you can have fun tomorrow he needs this" I tell Rico and he nods grinning.
"Have at it Rico" Liam says and throws Robbie to the floor towards us.
And Rico runs his hands together and flies him foot straight to Robbie. I want a go.
I walk over to Robbie and stamp on his side pushing all my weight down onto one foot and continuously stamp. I lool at Liam knocking fuck out of Victor and my heart sores. I love him so much.
"Now I'm done" I tell Rico and he laughs pi king Robbie up holding him and punching his face repeatedly. I look to Liam who's doing the same to Victor and I'm so hot right now. I need my man.
"Baby" I call and he spins his head to look at me while Victor's head drops to the side.
"I want you now, are you ready for me?" I ask him biting my lip and he grins at me.
"Always my queen" he says and drops Victor to the floor and drags him to the chair he was sat on.
"I swear you two are constantly at it" Rico says laughing and u shrug.
"My man turns me on. I can't help that" I tell him and he laughs more.
I watch Liam tie Victor back up and walk over to me.
"Have your fun and tie him back up. Don't kill him" Liam tells Rico and he nods happy.
"I'm done" he tells Liam and drops Robbie and smashes his foot to his face. He f drags him back to his seat blood seaping from his face and ties him up.
"There, that was fun. You feeling good?" I ask Liam and he kisses me.
"I will be after I've been inside you" he whispers into my ear and I moan as he pulls me up the stairs. I drop the gun in his desk and he pulls me out his office.
He stops and looks into my eyes and his eyes swirl. He's trying to come back to me.
"Either of you will do. I don't care" I tell him and he laughs and picks me up throwing me over his shoulder and running towards the stairs.
"You'll have both my queen, but me first" he says and growls at me. Beast time..

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now