Chapter 74

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Waking up after a long night of hot bomb sex with a god. I look over at his sleeping form and smile. I love my husband and I still can't believe he is actually that.
He must of sensed me admiring him because his eyes pop open and he smiles at me.
"Morning beautiful, you ready for the long drive" he asks me and I sigh. No but at lease I'm going with my family this time my king and both girls and Becky stuck in the middle.. Literally.
"Yeah atleast we're going as a family this time baby" I tell him and he smiles at me.
"It's a long drive. Thank god they have frozen in the car" he says chuckling. Obviously that was a thing. I don't know what I'd do without the stupid film over the last few days with all this going on.
"Are you ready to put on a smile and get the job done baby? I need you to come home to me and our girls" I tell him and he grins sitting up.
"I will always come back to you my queen" he tells me and I smile knowing he's right.
"I'm totally focused and in control baby, I promise. Thank you" he says and I can't help the smile. He always thanks me for making him this better person when it's all him. His heart.
"You don't need to thank me baby, it's all you. Your amazing and I love you unconditionally" I tell him and kiss him not being able to hold back.
"You have no idea how much I love you baby. Always and Forever" he says and I pull away.
"Always and Forever baby" I tell him back and he pulls me on top of him..

After having our morning fun and showering. I stand in my dressing room looking for something comfortable to wear for the journey. And pull on my red velvet shorts and t-shirt.

And put on white sliders and a white long cardigan and make my way down the hall to the girls

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And put on white sliders and a white long cardigan and make my way down the hall to the girls..
"Mummy, me dressed now?" Mya asks me and I smile at her.
"Have you eaten your breakfast?" I ask her not knowing if Angelica or Becky's done anything.
"Mummy did it" Ruby tells me as Mya nods her head.
"OK baby, let's get you both ready for the day" I tell them smiling.

Just finished with the girls Liam stands at the door as the girls run past him to play and he looks me over as I stand up.
"Are you trying to give me a hard on all the way there" he asks me and I look at him biting my lip.
"You look.. damn baby" he says and I blush.
"Thanks baby, I thought you'd like it. It's so soft aswell" I tell him and he licks his lips.
"Let's go before I change my mind" he says and pulls me out the door.
Walking down the stairs I see Angelica and Becky talking and she's feeding Lexi.
"Morning both of you" I tell them grabbing an apple and I take a bite out of it looking between them both.
"Morning babe, you look hot like normal" Angelica says and chuckles and I smile at her.
"I thought as I'm riding with Liam why not and it's so comfortable" I tell her and she smiles at me.
"I wish I had your confidence to dress in anything" Becky says. Aww.
"Thanks babe, but it's Liam. He does something to me that brings out something. I don't know it's hard to explain" I tell her and she grins.
"I get it and I love it" she says and starts to walk off.
"How you feeling today babe?" I ask Angelica and she just shrugs.
"I didn't sleep much so a little shit as you can see" she gestures at her self and chuckles.
"You look fine, your just gonna be sat in a car with your husband anyways babe, no big deal" I tell her and she smiles. I hope she cheers up when the guys go. And she gets this time with Ruby aswell.

"We're leaving now, Jason's outside" Angelica tells me while she holds lexi sleeping in her arms.
"OK well I'll see you in a few hours babe" I tell her and she gives me a small smile.
Watching her walk away and giving Ruby a kiss she's out the door.
"You ready too baby. I need to be back here soon" he says and I nod grabbing my bag and phone.
Walking out the door I come to a stop and look at the car. Who's is that?
"What's with the new car?" I ask Liam behind me and he sighs.
"I bought it for what's about to happen" he tells me and I nod understanding.
"OK, let me put Mya in and we're ready have you got everything?" I ask him before he locks the door.
"Everything you need is in the car or at the mansion beautiful" he tells me and I smile at him.
"OK let's go" I tell him and walk towards the car.

"So Becky, I was wondering what you'd be doing now the dynamics have changed" Liam asks her and I wondered when he'd ask her. She is technically Liam's nanny.
"I work for you Liam, so I'll be staying with you and Ruby. If that's what you want?" she asks Liam and he grins.
"Can I add Mya to that hun for when I'm back at work" I ask her and she smiles at me.
"Of course there inseparable anyways" she laughs and I chuckle. She's not wrong. I look at each girl in the back seat watching frozen with there headphones and holding there sippy cups.
"When I'm back we need to be making up for the time I was gone" Liam tells me and I look at him biting my lip. I hope he's not gone long. Just an in and out job.
Are we still planning a baby now he has Ruby back full time? Is that what he ment?
Getting closer to the mansion Liam glances at me a few times but doesn't say anything. He's obviously got something on his mind.
"Are you honestly OK baby" he asks me and I smile. Of course that's what he was concerned about.. Me.
"I'll be OK because I know your coming back to me baby" I tell him and rub his thigh smoothinly.
"But I don't want to say bye to you" I tell him honestly. He grabs my hand and kisses the back of it.
"That's OK my queen. I love you" he says still holding my hand.
"I love you baby so much" I tell him not caring if Becky's listening.
"I can't wait to come back and make a baby with you my queen" he tells me groaning and I clench my thighs. It's like he can read my mind.
"I'll be waiting for you baby. Don't you worry" I tell him and wink making him growl.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now