Chapter 33

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Climbing into the car after putting Mya in her seat I let Liam drive and he looks at me.
"Which home did you want beautiful?" he asks me and I think of my apartment.
"I don't know anymore baby" I tell him sadly and I look at him..
"Don't let Jason ruin this baby, your not leaving me again" he warns and I sigh. I don't want to leave him. Why does Jason have to be like this. Why can't he be happy like his fucking wife?
"I love you my queen, we're going to our home, first shopping" he calls out happily and Mya claps. She loves shopping..
"Shall mummy show you our new home" I ask Mya and she nods smiling wide.

Walking through the supermarket holding Mya's hand while Liam pushes the over filled trolley . Anything Mya picked up he put in the fucking trolley. We need to talk about that when we get back. He can't be over spoiling her. We don't want a brat!
"Anything you wanted beautiful?" he asks me looking down at me.
"You've bought plenty Liam" I tell him laughing and he just shrugs.
"It's been awhile since I've done this baby" he says and I sigh.
"Well you will be doing it with me at least once a week anyways so enjoy it" I tell him and he chuckles I love happy Liam.

"Right sweetheart you ready to see the new house" Liam asks her spinning in his seat.
"Yesss!" she shouts happily and bounces in her seat. Laughing, Liam climbs out and jogs around to me and helps me out.
"Thanks baby, let me take Mya in and I'll help you" I tell him and he shakes his head..
"We'll go in as a family baby, shopping can wait" he says and I smile up at him and he walks around to collect Mya..
Walking up the path as Liam holds Mya I hope she likes it and doesn't miss her home.
"Thank you for this baby, it means alot" I tell him thinking about how selfish he's actually being. Right now he's choosing me over Jason. Putting his own happiness and wants first. For once.
"You mean the world to me" he says and smiles at me.
"Right Mya this is our new home, do you like it?" I ask her looking up at her in Liam's arms.
"My toys?" she says and I totally didn't thing of that.
"Erm.." I hesitate needing to go back to my apartment for things..
"How about you go back to your apartment and me and Mya put the shopping away and make you some dinner" he asks and I smile at him.
"You don't mind baby?" I ask him needing too make sure. I don't leave Mya with anyone..
"Of course not, it's a honor that you trust me with her beautiful" he tells me and leans forward to kiss me.
"I love you baby, thank you. I won't be long" I tell him and kiss Mya.
"Take your time, we've got this" he says and smiles at Mya.
"I'll see you soon" I tell them and walk out the house.
Climbing in my car I make my way to my apartment and think about whether I'm going to need it now I'm with Liam.

Pulling up outside I jump out and make my way up the stairs quickly and open my door.
Walking straight into Mya's room I grab her biggest suitcase and pile in all her toys that I can fit in it and some books. I grab her blanket and pack her some clothes too into another bag. Zipping everything up I wheel them into the living room and make my way into my room and change into jeans and a white crop top and my white airforces. I pack some of my clothes into a bag along with some hair products and makeup I took from the house way back. Just hoping I don't forget anything.
Walking into the kitchen area I look around and see that we has most of this in our home anyways so I walk back into the living room and grab the pushchair for Mya's baby and make my way doing two trips to the elevator.

Pulling up outside Liam's I call him quickly.
"Baby, I need your help I'm outside" I tell him and he chuckles..
"Be there in a minute, your just in time beautiful" he tells me and I smile happy to myself.
"OK handsome" I tell him and hang up grabbing my purse from the passengers seat and climb out the car.
I watch how Liam jogs out to me and walks around to the boot where I'm standing and he pulls out the suitcases first.
"Thanks baby, isn't this what all them muscles are for" I tease and he raises a brow.
"I'll show you what there for again later" he says seductively and I clench my thighs. He's so fucking sexy.
"Now your eye fucking me baby" he says and I laugh. How did he know? He'd walked away.
I shake my head and grab the rest of the little bags with Mya's dolls pushchair from the boot closing it after and make my way into the house. Suddenly being hit by a delicious smell my stomach growls hungrily and I put the bags at the bottom of the stairs.
Walking into the living room where I find my baby watching frozen. Of course that's what she asked for I thought with a little laugh to myself.
"Mummy princess" she says and I laugh, me a princess great.
"A queen, aren't you beautiful" Liam says wrapping his arms around my waist.
"My King always and forever" I finally tell him and he spins me in his arms and kisses me passionately. I pull him closer by his neck and he groans into my mouth. Fuck!
Pulling away breathing heavily to clapping and giggles I look up at Liam through my lashes..
"This kings gonna show his queen how much he loves her later" he whispers into my ear and I clench my thighs. Shit.
"I can't wait.. My King" I tell him and he smiles at me.
I finally have him back. I'm so fucking happy!!

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now