Chapter 63

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After having some adult fun in the pool with my man I showered and redressed in teddy lounge wear.
Currently standing in the kitchen taking out everything for a Sunday roast I'm starving already.
"You alright babe you don't look it" I ask Angelica as she walks into the kitchen and she sighs.
"Somethings wrong with Jason. I can feel it but he won't talk to me" she tells me and I look at her sad with a sigh.
"I'm sorry babe, I said the same thing too, but Liam thinks he's OK now" I tell her and she nods her head feeling shit probably. I wish I could help her but I don't want to say my thoughts out loud.. Yet.
"I'll get it out of him I always do. It better be fucking epic" she tells me and I can't help but laugh.
"Well, if your feeling up to it you wanna help me make dinner?" I ask her wanting to help her distract herself for awhile.
"You peel, I'll chop" she tells me as she start to wash the vegetables.

After chopping up everything I sort them into pans and place them onto the cooker while Angelica sorts the chicken.
"So your planning a baby so soon babe" she asks me and I get excited thinking about it.
"Yeah babe, I'm so excited, I hope it doesn't take to long" I tell her and she nods agreeing smiling.
"I'm so happy for you babes, I bet your hoping for a boy this time tho" she says to me chuckling and I shrug.
"As long as there healthy, I don't mind. I was the same with Mya" I tell her honestly but I know Liam wants a boy.

Grabbing digestives I mash them up and pour them into a bowl and start mixing cream cheese with chocolate and all the other ingredients into a bowl and lather on top of the biscuit. Grating chocolate on top I place it in the fridge for later and get back to the dinner.
Becky walks in to the kitchen with Lexi looking at what I'm making.
"Sunday roast babe" I tell her and she grins wide.
"Havent had that in a while" she says rocking Lexi to sleep.
I smile at her and stir all the saucepans. "I'll leave you to cook hun, let me know if you need anything" she tells me and I nod.
"Will do thanks babe" I tell her and she leaves me alone with the girls
"What do you need babe?" Angelica suddenly appears asking and I look at the girls running around. She laughs and takes them..
"I'll set the table and take the girls" she says to me and I blow her a kiss.. I start to drain all the food and mash the potatoes with milk and butter and a little seasoning. Taking everything out the oven I start to plate up everyone's dinners and die from the heat radiating from it at the same time. Why did I choose this meal?
Pouring gravy over the dinners Angelica walks back in and starts to take everyone's back and fourth quickly.
"Just yours babe" she tells me and I nod smiling at her.
"Thanks I was checking dessert my bad" I tell her and she laughs at me.
"You did most of the cooking least I could do was serve" she says and walks out with the plates.
Feeling my phone ring I answer it quickly and hear Sam talking to someone.
"Hey, how are you?" I ask him
"OK thanks, just ringing to tell you we have another big order coming in for next week so I really need your help boss" he says and I perk up yess!
"I'll be there you know it" I tell him happily.
"OK great, enjoy the rest of your week end and I'll talk to you soon" he says and I smile.
"You too Sam bye" I say and hang up. I don't know what I'd do without him. He's been a life saver maybe I should up his wage? I decide to send a quick text to Sian.

Stacey: Hey babe, hope your OK. I loved what you did with the place for the wedding. I know it's late I've been.. Busy Thank you soo much I love you. I'll come see you soon Xx

Putting my phone away I rinse all the pots and place them into the dishwasher and turn it on for the first load while we eat.
Walking into the dining room and I see everybody waiting for me to eat and I can't help but smile at that and finally take a seat and look at everyone. This is my family.
"This is delicious my queen, thank you" Liam tells me and I smile at him gratful
"Thank you mummy" Mya shouts out making everyone laugh. That's my baby.
"Angelica helped too" I tell them and she shrugs it off..
"Thank you Stacey and my angel for dinner" Jason says and it's the first time he's spoke..
"Thanks Stacey it's delicious hun" Becky tells me around mouthfuls.
"Your welcome all of you" I tell them grinning happily.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now