Chapter 107

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After waiting in the car for about ten minutes I started to get concerned. What the fuck are they doing.
I look at the girls smiling and holding there frozen dolls while they watch.. Frozen and turn to see them walking towards the car. Finally.
"See he's still alive" Liam says when he opens the door and ushers Jason into the middle part of the back seats and puts on his seat belt.
"Thanks bro" Jason says and I look at him. He never says bro.. He's drunk. I thought he was tipsy.
Liam closes the door on him and I watch him walk around the car.
"She's so sexy" I hear him mumble under his breath and I sigh and roll my eyes. I thought he was over this lusting after me. And understood nothing would EVER happen.
Liam climbs in and pulls on his belt and starts the engine still smiling.
"How did you get so lucky and I got stuck with what I did. It's not fair I wanted her to" Jason says and I just put my head in my hands. Did he actually just fucking say that. The first part.. OK but the last part was so unnecessary.
"Jason" Liam says sternly warning him and he just laughs.
"Lighten up brother she's your fucking wife
I'm the broken one here" he says and I turn to look at him sadly.
"Your not broken Jason, and stop swearing" I tell him
"Exactly my wife, your drunk and you will not spoil my mood so shut up please" Liam says as he pulls off. Finally moving I can't wait to get out and I've only just got in.

Half way through the journey now and Jason won't stop fucking talking. It's weirs normally he's silent now. Bla Bla Bla.
"Just so you know. I was jealous when you told me you got married" Jason says and Liam grips the wheel and I just close my eyes hoping hell just fall asleep.
"Jason enough, keep it to yourself like you have all along" Liam says and I look at him and rub his leg.
"I need to get this all out. Let me why I can brother" Jason say and I sigh. Why today.
"Go on then just do it" Liam says and I stare at him. What? Your fucking driving are you trying to kill us all.
"As you know I've always wanted stacey and she deserves a man like me. And remember that one time when I said I had a you know.." he stops and I gag thinking about it and Liam laughs. Wow he's actually laughing at this..
"Go on continue bro, make yourself feel better" Liam tell him and I put my hand on my head. Why around fucking me. This is weird as fuck.
"Well.. I kind of did it again. In the mansion" he says and I spin to face him and he smiles at me.
"Are you fucking serious!" I stress thanking God the girls have headphones on.
"Stop swearing remember" Jason says and laughs. Liam laughs aswell. What the fucks happening..
"Are you seriously laughing right now. You brother is.. Is  I can't even say it. Over me and you find it funny" I ask Liam and he sighs.
"Baby, I either laugh or I pull over and kill him. Your choice" he says and I nod understanding.
"Laugh away.." I tell him and he smirks.
"Anything else bro?" Liam asks him and I shake my head. Please god no more.
"I don't lust after her anymore bro. I just think she's fucking God damn sexy you got yourself a ten there bro. I'm pissed" he says and I feel my cheeks getting hot. Are they seriously doing this. Liam groans and grabs my bare thigh and look at me.
"This is so embarrassing" I tell him and he just laughs.
"It's not funny baby, why you laughing again" I ask him sulking and he nods his head and stops laughing and I see him looking around and the car slow down.
Shit. Noooo.
"Baby no, laugh away. Hahahaha" I says and he glances at me.
"Make your mind up baby because I'm starting to lose my cool the more he tells me" Liam says and I kiss the hand that was holding my thigh.
"He's just drunk and like he said getting everything out. He doesn't like me like that anymore so you have nothing to worry about. You didn't anyways but still. He's just drunk and letting his emotions run wild. I love you" I tell him and smile.
"I'm sorry brother. I need to tell you its killing me. Seeing mum made me feel guilty for everything and I need you back. Don't leave me again. I need you" he says sounding emotional and all I think is. He's gonna fucking cry now. Great.
"I know what your saying baby, I love you too and Jason I'm going nowhere, thank you for telling me I know that must of been hard for you" Liam says and I squeeze his hand proud of him. Today's been a Rollercoaster of emotions for him and he's been so fucking amazing. How he has pulled over and ripped Jason apart I have no idea but I'm thankful that hes kept his cool.
"It is hard but I feel better. Can we go back to how we were now please" Jason says and I laugh.
"Mr Sensitive, we can try" Liam says and laughs. Finally seeing the mansion appear I breath a sigh of relief that we're home.
"Yeah but I need you to really really try brother. I miss us" he says to Liam and he just sighs.
"Well you staying with us again aren't you. If that's not really really trying I don't know what is. And after everything you just said you should be happy I'm not leaving you in the middle of nowhere half dead. So I'm really really trying brother" Liam says and Jason laughs.
"Really really" he says and we all laugh.
Hopefully this time goes better than the last.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now