Chapter 100

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"Mummy where going?" Mya asks me and I turn to her.
"To see Ace" I say and Ruby lights up..
"Ace, Ace" she says clapping and I laugh turning back in my seat and look at a smiling Liam.
"How you feeling baby?" I ask Liam rubbing his thigh as he drives.
"I feel OK, I think seeing Jason's gonna throw me off. I want and need to see him but I dunno" he says glancing at me and I sigh.
"It'll be OK. Hes has time and space too. You'll be happy to see him when we get there" I tell him and he nods but looks unsure still..
"How you feeling about seeing the other one?" I ask him rolling my eyes and he chuckles at me
"Dont care about her, she burnt her bridges permanently" he says and I nod agreeing with him. She just keeps making things worse for herself.
"How you feeling about seeing them both?" he asks me and I shrug.
"Don't really care to be honest but if she comes at me I will punch her" I warn him and he just laughs shaking his head.
"What did I create?" he asks and I hit him playfully.
"I'm a strong independent women and SHE can't handle that" I tell him and he smiles at me.
"Less of the independent part, I need you to need me" he says and I shake my head chuckling. Seriously..
"I do need you just like you need me" I tell him and he nods happy with that.
"I'm so happy we're doing this as a family, I feel better and positive about this" he tells me and I lean over and kiss him quickly.
"I'm so happy you said that. I haven't been to your mums grave since you apparently.. Leaving jd bottles at her grave Liam.." I tell him and he whips his head to me real quick. Yeah I know it's you..
"You've been.. When I'm already mashed up" he says and I know by how many bottles I clean up every year.
"Every year, I clean up your crap that you leave too. Wheres the blanket from?" I ask him and he laughs.
"The groundsman gives me the blanket and what do you mean every year.. I've missed you every god damn year.. Shit" he says and I look at him for swearing.
"Sorry but how is that possible.. Six years baby and I missed you every time" he says and I feel his pain. How did we keep missing each other.
"You was gone every time I turned up. I took Mya with me last year aswell" I tell him and he smiles.
"Mum would love them both" he says and I turn looking at them both half asleep.
"And they'd love her just like we all did" I tell him and he look at me with a small smile. He rarely talks about his mum.

Coming to a stop I look at the safe house Angelica and Jason are staying at and I must say they lost out on our home. Bitch deserves it..
"You ready for this baby?" I ask him looking at him grip the steering wheel.. I'm not so sure..
"Give me a minute" he says taking a deep breath. I pull of my seat belt and climb onto him.
"Your gonna be OK. We're all here for you remember that" I tell him and he holds me against him.
"Thank you baby, I can do this. We can do this" he says egging himself on.
"Exactly. Who's the boss?" I ask him and he smirks.
"I'm the God damn boss. Let's go" he says open his door suddenly and carrying me out.
Kissing him I get down and start to take the girls out. I hope this goes well. I look up and the door opens and I see Jason rushing out..
"Brother" he says to Liam and I look at Liam who's hugs him patting his back. They exchange words that I don't hear and Jason comes across to the car.
"You alright?" Jason asks me looking at me.
"Better now I'm out the car, you?" I ask and he nods smiling. Atleast he's happy. Just Angelica now...
Jason takes Ruby out and holds her while I sort Mya and liam takes her from me so I grab the bag instead.
I walk next to Liam slowly none of us wanting to go in and see her but we have to be the adults here. I take a deep steadying breath and step in. It's a lot nicer on the inside but still not the same. Mines better.
Liam puts Mya down and she runs off to find where Ruby's gone and I hear Angelica scream. Fuck sake.
"Mummies baby" I hear her and I snigger. Bless her. Liam nudges me and chuckles but he knows I'm right.
Walking into the room I see Jason crouched down with Mya and Angelica holding Ruby. She smirks at me and I bite my tongue. Hard not to say something horrible and offer her a smile. Be the grown up Stacey. Just fuking punch the bitch.
"We'll have none of that" Liam say looking at Angelica and she rolls her eyes at him.
I swear to God I will poke them out..
"Angel enough, be happy Ruby's come to see us" Jason says and I sigh. Exactly bitch. Be fucking grateful.
"Have you have fun at Stacey's" Angelica asks Ruby and I roll my eyes at her.
"Not Stacey, mummy" Ruby says looking and pointing at me. I put my hand on my heart and smile at her as Liam wraps an arm around my waist.
"she didn't expect that did she" Liam says to me and I chuckle. Clearly thought she was being smart and it backfired.
"Good, nothing that she doesn't deserve" I tell him and I know she heard me because she gives me a dirty look. Aww bless her. So fucking scary..
"Keep going Angelica and see if I don't put them back in the car and go home" Liam tells her and she just looks him up and down and looks back to Ruby.
"All I care about is seeing you baby girl" she says and I feel for my baby. How she gonna be so cruel. Liam steps forward and looks at her.
"What about my other princess that's come to see you?" Liam asks her and I smile to myself. When did he start calling her princess too?
"I'm sorry but I've missed my baby" she says and I just look at her disgusted..
"Mya baby, come to mummy" I tell her and she runs over to me with her arms up and i pick her up.
"You don't need her anyways do you baby" I tell her and she just watches Ruby.
"Enjoy this visit, it'll be your last" Liam tells Angelica and her face drops.
"You can't do this Liam. She's my daughter and I love her. Just because I don't want to say hi to her kid. Are you serious" she says.
"Come to daddy princess" Liam says walking over to Angelica and taking Ruby from her.
"Why would you say that angel, she's a child regardless" Jaosn says annoyed and she just shrugs. If I stay any longer I will beat her..
"Go with with mummy and Mya princess" Liam tells her handing her to me. I stand there with one on each hip smirking at Angelica.
I turn and walk towards the door.
"Your not taking my daughter away from me again Liam" shs tells Liam and he just laughs.
"After the way you just treated my other daughter be glad your still breathing. I'm sorry bro I know shes your wife but I can't. We're leaving. You know where I am Jason if you need me, your safe to go home now aswell. I hope I see you at the grave" Liam tell him and I feel sad for him. It's not Jason's fault. He walks over to me and kisses both of them on there head.
"I'll see you both soon. I love you both" Jason tells the girls and the smile at him.
"Thanks Jason" I tell him and he nods walking away.
"What a waste of a long ass journey" Liam says walking up to me and opening the door.
"Remember I adopted her Liam, shes mine not yours" Angelica says and I'm confused. What adoption? Liam turns to look at her and I just no his eyes are changing by the look on her face.
"You wanna threaten me now yeah.. We'll see" Liam tell her and her face pales
"Don't even go there Liam, I'll talk to her" Jason says but Liam shrugs. My bloods boiling how fucking dare she I feel my body start to shake when Liam walks up to me he nods his head at me takes the girls and walks out.
"Follow me brother" Liam says and walks out. My fucking turn...

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now