Chapter 122 Liam's POV

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"Are you ready brother" I ask Jason as I enter the kitchen where everyone seems to be.
"Where going daddy?" Mya asks me and I smile down at her.
"Going out with uncle Ace princess. I'll be back later" I tell her and she nods.
"You've got everything you need aswell baby, Rico's here if you need anything else too" I tell my queen and she nods at me with her mouthful.
"Yeah, don't worry about me or us. Just have fun with your brother. It's long over due" she tells me and I can't help but smile. She's right. And I can't wait to see fucking Angelica. See what the fuck she has to say about my daughter and niece.
"Right we're off then, I love you my queen don't have to much fun without me" I tell her and wink and she laughs.
"I don't even want to see faces but these beautiful ones around the table" she says and I nod happy with that.
"and I love you too. Ring me whenever you need to ill have my phone on me all day" she tells me and I smile. She shouldn't of said that..
"I will do beautiful" I tell her as she gets up and comes to me. She wraps her arms around me as I do her and I hold her tightly knowing I'm going to miss her soon as I shut the fucking front door.
She reaches up and kisses me passionately and I return the same hunger for her groaning and she pulls way breathless. Just what I like to see.
"Come on brother. We'll be back later jeez" Jason says and I push him out the kitchen.
"Bye baby" she says to me and I smile
"See you later my queen" I tell her and follow Jason out.

"So how we doing this bro?" I ask him as I drive down the never ending road.
"All I know is I'm working with you so I'm coming home with you more than likely" he tells me and I nod understanding. Am so gassed that he's gonna be working with me again. On something I love this time.
"Do you want to go home and sort this first or come with me to meet this Tommy guy?" I ask him and he shrugs.
"Meet him first if you want. Home might take awhile or it could take five. I have no idea how it's gonna go" he says and I sigh I think his marriage is over basically if I was in his shoes I'd be the one filing for divorce. I couldnt love that thing he calls wife any more. Not after everything. But that's just me. No one compares to mine. My queen.
"Alright it shouldn't take to long I hope. He better live up to the hype aswell" I say and Jason chuckles.
"What's his role gonna be then? What does he do?" he asks me looking at me.
"He'll be my security detail and personal driver" I tell him and he looks confused.
"Why would you of all people need security? You can handle yourself bro and you love driving" he says and I sigh.
"Yes to both questions but I'm doing this for my family. I'm a target now I'm boss. I need to be careful" I tell him and he nods understanding.
"Yeah I get it. Where's all mine then?" he ask laughing and I look at him raising a brow.
"Do you feel like you need security? Crazy wife's don't count." I tell him laughing and he punches me in the arm. Dick
"No brother am good know one knows me like that. I'll keep my head down and work hard" he says and I punch him back.
"Bore bro" I say laughing Stepping on the gas.
"I'm good thanks, I might change my mind but right now I'll stick to what I do best" he says and he's right. Crime isn't for him. And there's nothing wrong with that. I guess. He's not built for it. He does things but has a fucking conscience so his sensitive side comes out to much.
"Alright well you know if you get stressed or anything I'll have something for you. Always" I tell him and he nods.
"Thanks brother" he says and I smile to myself. I've missed my brother.

Walking through the door of the building I'm suppose to be meeting Tommy at I see a guy standing looking out the window.
"Tommy?" I ask and he turns to face me.
Hmm tallish. Good build I hope he can swing it tho. I need a roofless bastard.
"Mr Johnson I presume" he says walking over to me offering me his hand. I shake it strongly gripping and he's got a good strong grip to. I look at Jason and he smirks at me. I like this guy already.
"I've heard all good things Mr Johnson. I hope you can say the same" he says and I nod.
"Of course and please call me Liam. You make me feel old" I tell him and I chuckle and he laughs. Good start atleast he has a sense of humour.
"OK Liam, what do you need from me?" he asks me looking at Jason.
"My security and driver full time and you can either live in my mansion like everyone else or be there every day at 8am your choice but living with the rest of my people would be easier" I tell him and he nods.
"I'll start with the 8am and see how it goes. That sound good?" he asks and I nod
"Of course. Whatever you need. You'll get to drive my car unless you'd prefer to drive your own. Depending obviously what car you've got" I say and he laughs.
"I like you Liam. Steve was right about you. He knew you'd take over one day. Now look at you" he says and I nod feeling giddy inside.
"Well if your happy then you can start tomorrow. This is everything you'll need and your dress code is spot on. I like that" I tell him and he nods. I hand him the envelope with everything he will need to work for me and begin to say our goodbyes.
"I'll see you tomorrow Liam. 8am sharp" he tells me and I nod.
"Another thing 10am tomorrow we'll have a little meeting with everyone for you to meet the family and get to know your way around. Sound good?" I ask him and nods his head again.
"Sounds good, see you then" he says and we shake hands and part ways.

"You ready for this brother?" I ask Jason as I pull up out side his house.
"Not really but I don't have a choice" he says and sighs.
"I'm here if you need me anyways. I'll tell her straight and feel no way. You know this bro" I tell him as we climb out the car.
Walking around I pat his back and follow him up the path. Here we go.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now